  • 學位論文


Study on the Documents of Java in Siku Quanshu: Historical Knowledge and Historians Point of View

指導教授 : 吳哲夫


這部論文主要地探討《四庫全書》中的「爪哇」文獻。本論文所選用的文獻是描述性最強的﹐而可代表中國史家對爪哇的觀察﹐目的是想揭開中國古代史家在他們紀錄爪哇的文獻裡提供了什麼知識﹐而紀錄爪哇時用何種視角。通過仔細閱讀﹐而分析資料之後可知史家很注意三個東西: 中國與爪哇的關係、爪哇國及爪哇人文化方面的情況、爪哇當地的特殊土產。在描述兩個國家的關係時﹐可見兩國的關係建立於蕃國向中國「朝貢關係」的觀念。這種觀念帶來了大文化國家看小文化國家的視角。史家寫下來的爪哇國及文化方面情況的資料對中國讀者來說可當作理解爪哇人及那邊的大概情況的參考資料。談到爪哇當地的土產﹐史家紀錄的東西不只提供給中國讀者在中國不會見到的各種東西的知識﹐而且也可成為中國商人最好的參考資料來尋找跟爪哇可交易的商品。史家提供的知識開商人跟爪哇人做生意的路。《四庫全書》中跟爪哇有關的文獻很豐富。中文史料直接或間接可有影響來幫助補足印尼歷史的不足﹐也有影響幫助印尼史家重建印尼的歷史。


This dissertation mainly discuss on the documents of Java in Siku Quanshu. The documents used in this dissertation have been selected for the strongest narratives reason which able to represent Chinese historians note on Java observations. The purpose for using these selections are to disclose what kind of historical knowledge had been conveyed by historian, and the historian point of views when they made note on Java. Through reading and analyzing the texts, readers (and I as a researcher) could found that Chinese historians paid attention on three things: relations between China and Java from Han to Ming dynasty; Java kingdoms and their culture conditions in ancient times; and last but not least was Java natural resources. Relations between these two countries had been laid on “tributary relation” concept, and this kind of concept brought a big country culture on seeing the other small country culture’s point of view. Chinese historians notes on Java kingdom’s political and cultural condition, can help Chinese readers (especially shipmen and merchants) to understand the general conditions of Java and its people. Notes on Java natural resources, not only gave the reader information about many kind of Java natural resources that could not be found in China, but also become the best literature for Chinese merchants to find Java commercially valuable goods and help them to open commercial exchange with Javanese merchants. Documents of Java in Siku Quanshu are so plenty.Information inside those documents not only able to help to enrich Indonesian history, but also have some possibilities to help Indonesian historian to reconstruct Indonesian history.


陳鴻瑜﹐〈13 世紀中國元代征爪哇之役〉﹐載於《海華與東南亞研
社出版, 1961
China, Berkeley, L.A, London: University of California Press, 2005
R.Godley & Grayson J. Lloyd, eds, Perspective on the Chinese Indonesians,
Adelaide: Crawford House Publishing, 2001
