  • 學位論文


The Study of Lao-Tzu's and Zhuang-Zi's Ideas of the Relationship Between Morality and Bliss

指導教授 : 王邦雄


第一章為序論,分別說明研究目的、研究成果之回顧、與研究方法及內容大要,第二章探討儒墨二家之福德觀,蓋先秦諸子起於救時之弊,孔子力圖振興周文,墨子亦針對儒家所傳承之周文,多所反思;至於老莊則同時反省儒、墨二家。故在福德問題之討論上,乃先就儒、墨二家之福德觀做一釐清。 第三章進行老莊福德觀之析論,本章詳述老莊如何看待「福」,又如何定義「德」?老莊認為「有」是執著,老莊之福德觀,便始於對幸福之反思。其次,老莊對「德」之認定,與儒墨是否相同?在老莊眼中,福德一致是否可能?皆在此一章節進行詳細之分析。 第四章則針對老莊福德觀間相異之部分進行探討,老莊雖同屬道家,義理性格上卻有外王與內聖不同之性格,尤其老子可往權變術用之方向解讀,莊子卻僅注重於主體之修養,此為老莊最大之不同。 第五章則專就莊子外雜篇之部分,探討福德觀在外雜篇的演進,蓋外雜篇受黃老、無君、與儒墨思想影響,加以客觀情勢日漸惡化,故較諸內七篇,外雜篇之福德觀既有後出轉精之處,亦有妥協、乃至不及之處。 最後第六章之部分,則探討以老莊之智慧,當如何處理現代人所面對之科技問題、環保問題、乃至意識型態分裂對立之問題,此為老莊福德觀的現代詮釋。


老子 莊子 幸福 道德 福德觀


The first chapter is the introduction to this thesis. It reveals the purpose of this study, reviews former achievement, study method and the summary of the study. Chapter 2 discuss Zu and Dao’s idea of Morality and Bliss. The Pre-Chin philosophers’ works are to save the disadvantage of that time: Confucius trying hard to give life to Chou Dynasty’s culture, and Mo-Tzu rethink Zu’s idea to culture. As for Lao-Tzu's and Zhuang-Zi, they introspected Zu and Mo at the same time. So I will clarify Zu and Mo’s idea of Morality and Bliss first. Chapter 3 will analyze Lao-Tzu's and Zhuang-Zi’s idea of Morality and Bliss. They thought that desire is a burden, their idea of Bliss started as rethinking so called “Happiness”. Second, this chapter will also discuss the difference between Zu, Mo and Dao’s idea of Morality. Chapter 4 will focus on the difference between Lao-Tzu’s and Zhuang-Zi’s idea of Morality and Bliss. Although they are both masters of Dao, their philosophy was lead to two separate directions. Especially the Lao-Tzu philosophy can be interpreted as a kind of methodology, while Zhuang-Zi’s is the philosophy of character, and this is the most important divergence between Lao-Tzu and ZhuangZi. Chapter 5 will discuss the evolution of idea of Morality and Bliss first in “Zhuang-Zi, Outer and Miscellaneous chapters”. These two parts were influenced by Huang Lao School, Utopianism, and Zu-Mo philosophy. On the other hand, the situation of Chou Dynasty was worse then ever. These two reasons made the idea of Morality and Bliss in these two parts superior then which in “Inner Chapter”, while there were a lot of compromise, even inferior ideas in “Outer Chapter” and “Miscellaneous chapter”. Chapter 6, as conclusions of this thesis, will probe into such topic: How to deal with the problems of technology, environment, even confliction between ideologies by making use of Lao-Tzu and Zhuang-Zi’s Wisdom. And this is my ultimate concern: The modern interpretation of Lao-Tzu and Zhuang-Zi’s idea of Morality and Bliss.



