  • 學位論文


Comparison of the Cross-strait Overseas Compatriot Affairs (OCA) and Policies Agencies of Taiwan and China

指導教授 : 張五岳


根據各方估計,當前海外華人大約有三千餘萬人,與各國僑民相較,其人數之眾居全球第一。海外華人掌握了將近二兆美金的資金,他們在世界各地之影響力實不容小覷,自然也成為臺灣和大陸競相爭取之對象。爰包含美國在內的大部分國家,都以外交部兼理僑民事務,只有海峽兩岸政府才特別設置獨立之僑務機構,足見僑務工作對兩岸之重要性。 由於兩岸關係的特殊與複雜,現階段我方面臨的最大挑戰,是中國不僅投入大量之人力及資金,更在海外各地利用民族感情、意識型態及統獨問題來製造矛盾,分化僑社,並以僑教文宣攻勢,展開全面性的拉攏工作。近年來,中國更在世界各地陸續扶持成立「中國和平統一促進會」,對我僑務工作構成不小的壓力。世界各地的「和統會」一方面配合中國的統戰攻勢,如對台灣加入聯合國等國際組織表示反對,同時也負責與當地政府聯絡,形成對台灣政府的外交壓力。因此,僑務工作不僅影響到台灣的外交處境,而且牽涉到兩岸在國際社會互動的情勢。 面對此一情勢,深入剝析兩岸辦理僑務之組織及僑務政策,加以比較,尋求我自身之優勢,加強拓展僑務工作。對於中國之優勢僑務政策,找尋因應之道,以確保我僑務工作永續發展,此乃本文之研究動機。 本論文研究主題係探討兩岸僑務組織與政策之比較。首先,就研究主題思考撰寫本論文的研究動機與目的,進行基本概念界定,以利後續研究,再參考研究方法相關論述,擬定研究途徑與方法,使本研究順利地進行,為便利歷史資料蒐集及綜整,對時間及空間等範圍須有明確界限,並就本研究過程中會遭遇的困難與限制,設法克服。 依據「歷史研究」之途徑,將蒐集到的文獻資料予以歸納、綜整,運用文獻分析法、歷史研究法、比較研究法等方法來剖析過去,說明現在,及預測未來。用以瞭解中國大陸僑務政策與對台關係等,依據文獻資料做整理、歸納、分析及比較,所得研究心得、結論與建議,期望可供他人作為後續研究之參考。


華僑 華人 歸僑 僑眷 外籍華人 華裔 反獨促統


According to various estimates, at present there are approximately more than thirty million overseas Chinese. Compared with other nations’ groups that have emigrated, the number of ancestrally Chinese people abroad ranks first in the world. Overseas Chinese people control nearly two trillion dollars in funds and their influence in every part of the world should not be underestimated, and this great Chinese migration has become a source of competition between both sides of the strait. The vast majority of countries, the U.S. included, handles affairs pertaining to their citizens abroad via the organ of the State Dept., or the department of foreign affairs when discussing other countries— but only the Taiwanese and Chinese governments have established independent agencies, separate from their departments of foreign affairs, specifically to communicate with and help their respective expatriate abroad, thus illustrating the importance of these overseas citizens’ affairs and work to Taiwan and China. Due to complexities and particularities involving the cross-strait relationship, in its current phase, the biggest problem Taiwan is facing is that China not only is investing manpower and money on a large scale abroad, but also is employing nationalist sentiment, ideology, and the unification or independence question to manufacture contradiction and division within overseas Taiwanese and Chinese communities, and on the educational front--i.e. Chinese schools, universities, etc.-- they are staging a well-orchestrated and multi-faceted offensive to recruit support. In recent years, China has been supporting the “Associations for the promotion of peaceful reunification of China” everywhere around the world, thus creating considerable pressure for the Taiwanese OCA. The aforementioned associations coordinate the Chinese unity war offensive and are against the admission of Taiwan into the United Nations and other international organizations. At the same time, these associations are also responsible for liaison with local governments, causing diplomatic pressure for the Taiwanese government. Therefore, the OCA not only has an influence on Taiwan’s diplomatic state of affairs, but it also affects the interactions and the way events unfold between Taiwan and China in the international community. To properly respond to this trend of events, an in-depth analysis of the way the organizations on the two sides of the strait handle the OCA and of cross-strait OCA policies is necessary, and then compare the two; also, we must seek out the most ideal situation for Taiwan, and strengthen and reinforce the expansion of its OCA program. As to the fact that China now enjoys superiority in terms of the OCA, we should seek a countermeasure to ensure a sustainable development for our own OCA program, which in fact is the motivation of this paper. The main topic of the present paper is to draw a comparison of the cross-strait OCA organizations and their policies. In primis, the research motivation and purpose of this paper is to define the basic concepts, to facilitate follow-up studies and to consult dissertations concerning apt research methods so as to formulate the most fluid and effective approach to carrying out this study. In order to facilitate historical data collection and its analysis, clear boundaries for time and space and other parameters should be set and we should try to overcome the obstacles and restrictions that might be encountered during the research. Based on "historical research" methods, the literature will be reviewed and analyzed; literature analytical methods, historical methods of investigation, comparative studies methodologies et al. will be used to analyze the past, explain the present and predict the future. To understand China’s OCA policies and their impact on Taiwan, the literature data will be organized, reviewed, analyzed and compared, and conclusions and recommendations will be drawn, in the hope that it may serve as reference for future follow-up research.




