  • 學位論文


Mine is Yours? Applying Sentiment Analysis to Investigate the Degree of Risk in Sharing Economy

指導教授 : 張瑋倫


共享經濟(Sharing Economy)為新的商業模式,以租代買的方式顛覆過去的思維,能讓閒置資源有效運用,然而,從另一個角度來看,安全與隱私是最為人詬病的問題,共享經濟雖然帶來不少好處,但依舊有其風險要克服,導致以共享經濟為模式的業者皆透過線上評論來建立信任,但多數人只閱讀較少評論就做決策,其參考資料較少且不夠完善,可能會導致風險產生,為了讓消費者能減少風險發生的可能性,本研究以共享經濟之住宿平台為例,檢視該網站住宿房型中評論之正負面情感詞,以情感分析為基礎,嘗試找出評論中正負情感比率,接著對應風險等級,讓消費者能以風險等級為參考因子,此外,透過問卷驗證進一步暸解情感與風險對消費者決策有多少程度的影響,以及情感與風險之連結程度。研究結果發現,平台之熱門排序與情感比率之排序有差異,情感比率與星等亦不相符,雖然來自相同經驗,但卻產生矛盾的情況,除此之外,不同世代的消費者在顯示圖片、房間資訊以及情感比率後的排序不相同,表示三個世代皆在不同因素下對決策會造成影響,其原因為Z世代與Y世代依序重視評論、性價比與清潔度,X世代則重視清潔度、評論與總星等,綜合上述可認為三個世代皆重視評論對決策的影響。另外,消費者對風險的態度方面,高風險趨避者更容易受負面評論的影響,而做出不同的決策,可知評論之情感連結風險概念後對決策有相當程度的影響。因此,本研究提出以情感比率對應風險之概念,期望能透過風險概念強化消費者信任,並提供更適合資訊協助消費者決策流程。


共享經濟 情感分析 風險


Sharing economy is the new business model of e-commerce that stimulates new thinking in different ways. Sharing economy allows the share of unused resources to become more productive. In addition, security and privacy are the most criticized problems in sharing economy. Although sharing economy has certain benefits, it still has risks that need to be overcome. The owners on sharing economy need to build trust through online reviews. However, it may take risks when most people make decisions by reading less reviews. In order to reduce the risks, this paper uses the accommodation platform in sharing economy as an example. We consider the emotions of comments in online reviews and discover the positive-negative sentiment ratio based on sentiment analysis. The sentiment ratio will match to the level of risk and customers reefer to it for suitable decision making. Finally, this research designs a questionnaire to verify and understand the degree of influence of sentiment on decision-making process. The results show that the selected rankings were different between the based of sentiment-ratio or the stars of accommodations. In addition, customers of different generations may have different decisions when showing pictures, room information, and the sentiment-ratio of online reviews. It means decision-making will be affected by different factors. Generation Z and generation Y may pay more attention to reviews, cost, and cleanliness. Generation X may pay attention to cleanliness, reviews, and total stars. In conclusion, three generations all show the importance of online reviews on decision-making. On the other hand, the high risk people are more likely to be affected by the negative reviews; that is. they may make different decisions. This study proposes the concept of sentiment-ratio of online reviews and match to the level of risk, which is expected to strengthen customers’ trust and provide more information to assist in decision making processes.


Sharing economy Sentiment analysis Risk


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