  • 學位論文

公共服務動機與個人/組織契合度對服務導向 組織公民行為之影響-以大學行政人員為例

Public service motivation and person-organization fit impact on Service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior- taking university faculty as example

指導教授 : 曾冠球


當今公共服務強調政府的角色是「服務」而非「領航」,組織為保持競爭優勢,與品質管理相關的概念一一被引進,當大學經營因少子化問題面臨衝擊之際,各校除對外運用行銷策略招攬學子外,對內則著重員工的服務品質及行政效率的提升,以吸引更多學生及爭取教育資源。有鑑於此,本研究的目的在探討大學行政人員公共服務動機與組織之間的契合,是否會影響工作規範以外的公民行為,以網路問卷的方式,對十所國立大學行政人員進行調查,採李克特六點量表,共計有效回收問卷255份,依據問卷調查的資料進行分析,研究歸納出下列四個重點: 一、受訪者在不同年齡、教育程度、職務、現職對服務導向組織公民行為構面的「服務傳遞」、「主動參與」,公共服務動機構面的「公共利益承諾」、「同情心」、「自我犧牲」以及個人/組織契合度的「補充性契合」有顯著差異。 二、受訪者公共服務動機的「公共利益承諾」、「同情心」對個人/組織契合度的「補充性契合」有正向影響。 三、受訪者的公共服務動機與個人/組織契合度對服務導向組織公民行為產生正向影響的因果關係,亦即公共服務動機愈強,對服務行為就愈投入,對組織認同度愈高,就愈能展現工作規範以外的公民行為。 四、本研究採用組織行為中較少使用的變項,公共服務動機與個人/組織契合度的組合,研究發現可以做為管理者參考的依據。


Abstract: Nowadays, the role of government in public service has changed from a pathfinder to service provider. In this case, organizations introduced the concepts of quality control to maintain a competitive advantage,. When universities to see low enrollment due to the falling birth rate, they established a marketing plan that focus on increasing enrollment and also improve the quality of service and administrative effectiveness. This research aims to determine the fitness level between the public service motivation of college faculties and organization, which affect the behaviors set out of the company’s policy. The investigation took back 255 valid questionnaires add up to participants work as administrative faculties in ten different universities by using Likert scale as research method. The data analysis can be summarized into four points: 1. The elements involved in public service motivation, such as “public interest commitment”, “compassion”, “self-sacrifice” and “compatibility” in person-organization fit manifested significant differences across participant due to the variety of their age, education background, job position toward “service delivery” and “voluntary participation” in service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. 2. When comparing the response of participants, the two factors in public service motivations, “public interest commitment” and “compassion” have a positive impact on “compatibility “in person-organization fit. 3. Public service motivation and person-organization fit have a positive impact on service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. When the participant has a stronger public service motivation, he is also more devoted into service behavior and in this case, has higher loyalty toward the organization. He can perform better with citizenship behavior which is set out of company policy. 4. This research was conducted with those factors less common, such as the combination of public service and person-organization fit which leads to an empirical reference for administers.




