  • 學位論文


My joruney with mandatory parenting program

指導教授 : 林淑萍


本研究旨在深入瞭解接受強制性親職教育輔導的當事人以及他們接受親職教育輔導的經驗。本研究從接受課程當事人的角度來回覆三個研究問題與目的:一、探索與瞭解接受親職教育輔導之當事人的生命經驗脈絡。二、瞭解當事人的家庭互動經驗對其家庭關係之影響。三、瞭解當事人接受親職教育輔導之經驗。 為深入瞭解接受課程當事人的心聲,本研究採質化研究,經由深入訪談來蒐集資料,共邀請到四位父親及四位母親參與研究,他們都已完成親職教育輔導課程。 研究發現當事人對小孩的虐待行為深受其過去經驗與家庭互動關係所影響,對自我的看法受到父母互動關係、親子互動關係、父母的忽視、敵意或重男輕女觀念影響,呈現自卑、低自我價值、缺乏信心與安全感,個性具不成熟、不理性、衝動等特質,因而影響當事人面對與因應生活的選擇。研究者以「冷漠型」、「暴力型」、「說教型」及「溝通型」四種家人互動類型觀察當事人之原生家庭以及現在家庭關係,發現「冷漠型」、「暴力型」及「說教型」之互動使家庭關係冷漠、衝突與疏離,「溝通型」之互動可促進家人瞭解與親密關係;同時驗證互動模式的代間傳遞現象。當事人對於接受親職教育輔導皆認為有學習與收獲,但有少數當事人認為所學無法解決目前家庭與親子問題。當事人對親職教育輔導提出建議有:接受課程者需要尊重、同理與關懷、親子共同參與課程共同承擔責任、課程內容注重溝通與表達,以及完成所規定上課時數後仍需後續的關注。研究發現當事人接受課程後問題依舊存在,包括:暴力行為及家庭互動模式代間傳遞現象、小孩問題行為未改善、父母缺乏良好有效管教策略。 最後根據研究結論與相關議題討論,對強制性親職教育輔導、建立符合本土性服務及推廣兒童保護理念及親職知能教育提出建議。


This research is based on ecological systems theory to analyze child abuser who took the mandatory parenting education. From the abuser’s point of view to reply three questions: first, to understand the context of the abuser’s life experience; secondly, to study the family interaction of the abuser, and lastly, to study the abuser’s experience to the mandatory parenting education. In order to understand the the abuser, this research used qualitative method through collecting the data by interviewing the abuser. Four fathers and four mothers who have finished mandatory parenting education were invited to join this research. In this research, I found the behaviors of child abusers were affected and interacted by their family experience and cultural factors. Their self-concept were affected by parents’ interaction, family interaction, neglect, hostility, and patriarchy. In the growth process, they became self-abased, low self value, lacking of confidence and security and so on. Their characters influenced their way of facing their lives and solving the problems. I classified the interaction style of family into four types, “Indifferent,” “Violence,” “Preaching” and “Communication.” I found that “Indifferent,” “Violence,” “Preaching” types of family interaction made their family relationship indifferent, full of conflict and alienated. “Communication” type of family interaction made family member knowing each other and getting closer. I also found that violence intergenerat- ional transmission in their family. After the courses, most of the participants consider this program is helpful to them, however, some people still found no help to their situations. The abusers provided some suggestions to mandatory parenting education: 1. the counselors should take respect to the abusers, feel empathy and show their concerns to them. 2. invite parents and children to attend the program together and let them share the responsibilities together, 3. to improve the way of mutual-communications and expressions, 4.keep following up the family after the courses. I found that after the courses it still remained problems in the family: such as violence intergenerational transmission, no improvement of children’s behaviors, parents lacking of effective parenting strategy. Based on the results of this research, I provided my suggestions to the child protective services, mandatory parenting education, and local service strategy.


