  • 學位論文


Relationships among Employees' Perception of Leadership Style, Organizational Commitments and Attitudes toward Organizational Changes after the Reorganization of Five City Branches in Chunghwa Telecom

指導教授 : 王居卿 李芸蕙


企業在全球化、自由化的浪潮席捲下,為奠基生存發展,必須快速調整資源與能力進行策略轉型,透過組整調整或改變結構型態,創造出適應未來的新經營模式,以維持競爭力。 本研究以中華電信新五大都會區所屬營運處的員工為研究對象,以問卷調查方式探討領導風格、組織承諾、組織變革態度三者間之關係。並衡量轉換型領導、交易型領導、價值承諾、努力承諾、留職承諾、支持變革、疑慮變革等構面。據此研究主管的領導風格對員工組織承諾之影響;員工組織承諾對其組織變革態度之影響;並針對不同屬性成員對領導風格、組織承諾與組織變革態度影響之差異性分析。結果發現: 一、領導風格、組織承諾和組織變革態度之間具有中度相關性。 二、不同的主管領導風格對員工組織承諾的高低有不同之影響。 三、員工的組織承諾對支持組織變革態度呈顯著正向之影響。 四、人口統計變項在領導風格、組織承諾和組織變革態度上存在有差異性。


Under the influences of globalization and liberalization, enterprises have to adjust their resources and capabilities efficiently to carry out strategic transformation to build up foundations for survival and development. Through organizational adjustments or structural changes, enterprises can create new operational models which can adopt to future needs to maintain their competitiveness. This study used the employees of Chunghwa Telecom branches located in the five new metropolitan areas as the objects. Questionnaires were used to investigate the relationships among leadership style, organizational commitments, and attitudes towards organizational changes. Aspects of transformational leadership, transactional leadership, value commitments, effort commitments, job retaining commitments, and supporting or doubting organizational changes were evaluated. The results were based on the following studies: the influences of supervisors’ leadership styles on the employees’ organizational commitments; the influences of employees’ organizational commitments on their attitudes towards organizational changes; and the variation among employees with different natures relating to the influences of leadership style, organizational commitments, and attitudes towards organizational changes. 1.There was a medium relation among leadership style, organizational commitments, and attitude towards organizational changes. 2.Different leadership styles showed different influences to employees’ organizational commitments. 3.The employees’ organizational commitments had a significant positive influence on supporting attitudes towards the organizational changes. 4.The democratic variables varied in leadership style, organizational commitments, and attitudes towards organizational changes.


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