  • 學位論文

兩岸體育政策之比較研究-以乒乓球競技為例 (2000~2015)

Comparison Research of Sports Policy between Taiwan and China Mainland-Focus on Table Tennis Athletics(2000~2015)

指導教授 : 張家麟


國與國之間的連結除政治、經濟以及外交外,競技體育賽場也是展現國家實力的舞台之一,兩岸間的互動也不例外。中共競技體育隨著改革開放後逐漸發展,北京奧運後中共已經證明其競技體育水準已到達世界頂尖水平。而我國競技體育也隨著國際情勢和政黨輪替在執行上不斷的轉變,尤其近年來兩岸交流頻繁,許多競技體育項目發展的連結也更加緊密。 本研究將討論兩岸體育政策中乒乓球競技的發展與現況分析。乒乓球被中共稱為「國球」,不但為中共拿下了第一個世界冠軍,也讓中共稱霸世界乒壇三十年,成為當前乒乓球發展的領航者。我國的乒乓球水準在國際上也為數一數二的強國之一,近年來在國際成績上也有明顯的進步與突破,但是和中共相較之下仍然有著一段差距。 因此本研究透過文獻法搜集歷年來兩岸乒乓球的發展,另外透過深度訪談法訪談學者、教練、選手以及政府官員取得一手資料,分析目前兩岸乒乓球競技在目前兩岸競技體育政策的現況為何,從選手甄補、訓練方式以及獎勵制度三個面向來切入,並比較兩岸在政策執行的過程中有何異同,最後再從獲得的國際成績上來檢視其成效性為何。 希望藉由本篇論文從兩岸乒乓球競技中檢視我國體育政策是否能夠從中共成功的例子裡學習並進一步加強,使國人能夠更加重視我國體育的發展。


Besides the connections among politics, economics and diplomacy, competitive sport is another way of demonstrating a country’s strength and capability. Since the Economic Reforms and Openness, sports in China Mainland have been advanced progressively. In Beijing Olympics 2008, China Mainland ’s competitive sports had been proved to have attained world-class standards. As cross-straits exchanges activities become more frequent in recent years, the relations on sport development of China Mainland and Taiwan is drawing closer. This research aims at probing into the current development and future perspectives of table tennis in sports policy across the Taiwan Strait. China Mainland has been the world champion and pioneer of table tennis development for over thirty years and table tennis is regarded as the Chinese national ball game. Taiwan has been having notable score improvement and breakthroughs in international contests. However, there is still room for improvement. The research draws upon document analysis and in-depth interview with scholars, athletes and government officials, to conduct comparisons between China Mainland and this nation’s policies regarding athlete selections, training manners and rewarding systems. Conclusively, the research provides an evaluation of the result and effectiveness of the policies implemented, in reference to China Mainland and this nation’s international scores. The anticipated outcome is to identify the factors of China Mainland’s success in table tennis sport and the findings may be useful in improving Taiwan’s sport system, and raising the awareness of national sport development.


陳羿蓁, 2007<中國大陸男、女單打選手稱霸桌壇之秘訣>,《競技運動》,第九卷第二期,頁14~23。
