  • 學位論文


Constructing Employee Innovativeness Index: Framework and Measurment

指導教授 : 李仲彬


【研究背景與問題】 對於組織維持進步與保持其水準,「創新」或許是相當重要的趨勢與方向,大部分的文獻也已指出組織內部人員是相當重要的影響因素,然而,對於組織內部人員的創新,過去的文獻未曾有以個人為測量對象,大多是以組織作為測量單位,至此,為瞭解組織內部人員的創新潛力,本研究制定組織內部人員創新潛力指標與架構,並針對不同環境下的公務人員與企業人員進行施測,得出指標架構。 【研究發現】 本研究藉由Woodman(1990)的組織創造力產出架構中的四個影響個人因素,使用迴歸分析方法得出組織內部人員創新潛力指標架構中預測力與解釋力較高的指標,在公務人員的部分包括:外向性程度與自我犧牲程度,企業人員的部分則包括:工作投入程度、責任感程度和重視工作待遇程度。根據分析結果,不同環境下的公務人員與企業人員在創新潛力指標架構上確實呈現出不同的指標架構,但這部分同時也證實,不同環境下的組織內部人員其著重部分與處世認知也有所不同。


創新潛力 指標 組織人員


Abstract: "Innovation" has been viewed as a key method for responding to environmental changes and improving organizational performance. Almost all organizations are pursuing ways to improve their innovative capacity to have more business sustainability. According to the academic theories, the innovativeness of organization’s employees is one of important determining factors of the organization’s innovation. Unfortunately, only a few studies have focused on the ‘individual level” (meaning the employee level) of innovativeness. This research aims to construct a framework of employee’s potential innovativeness index and the measurements of the framework. Based on Woodman’s (1990) organization creativity model and literature review, this research has developed an eighteAbstract: "Innovation" has been viewed as a key method for responding to environmental changes and improving organizational performance. Almost all organizations are pursuing ways to improve their innovative capacity to have more business sustainability. According to the academic theories, the innovativeness of organization’s employees is one of important determining factors of the organization’s innovation. Unfortunately, only a few studies have focused on the ‘individual level” (meaning the employee level) of innovativeness. This research aims to construct a framework of employee’s potential innovativeness index and the measurements of the framework. Based on Woodman’s (1990) organization creativity model and literature review, this research has developed an eighteen-indicators, four-dimensions framework that can be used to measure the potential of organization’s employee to develop innovation for their organization. And, this research finds that there are several differences between the measurement for private sector employees and the measurement for public servants en-indicators, four-dimensions framework that can be used to measure the potential of organization’s employee to develop innovation for their organization. And, this research finds that there are several differences between the measurement for private sector employees and the measurement for public servants.


Innovativeness Index Employee


