  • 學位論文


Stream of Consciousness in The Diving Bell And The Butterfly

指導教授 : 吳錫德


本論文主旨在研究《潛水鐘與蝴蝶》中意識流之手法。第一章探討「意識流」一詞之來源及意義、寫作技巧與意識流的關係。自由聯想主要透過記憶、感覺和想像三個要素來控制聯想。意識流小說著重表現未形成語言層次上的意識,內心獨白直接地展示人物內心的意識活動,全面地揭示最隱密的潛意識。意識流小說家企圖描寫飄忽不定、持續流動的意識流,各種意識無序地在過去、現在、未來的心理時空中交替出現,呈現出人物豐富複雜的生活經歷和精神歷程。 第二章分析《潛水鐘與蝴蝶》一書的主題和寫作手法。前法國Elle雜誌的總編輯尚.多明尼克.鮑比,在四十三歲時因為突然罹患「閉鎖症候群」,身體癱瘓,全身肌肉只剩下拉動左眼眼簾的那一根還能動。藉由語言治療師的幫助,在瀕死之際,以眨眼睛的方式,一個一個字母的寫下了這本以意識流寫作手法呈現的作品。 第三章概述蒙太奇理論與技法特色,同時闡述蒙太奇手法在敘事和表現形式的種類。蒙太奇依其功能性質而言可劃分為敘事蒙太奇和表現蒙太奇;此外,衝突與對比、象徵和隱喻也是蒙太奇藝術表現的主要形式。本章節主要在探討蒙太奇手法在意識流小說中的呈現,並總結上述各章之論述做為結論。


The research aims to analyze the techniques of literary stream-of- consciousness in The Diving Bell and The Butterfly. The first chapter of this thesis is an interpretation of the term “stream of consciousness” and its relation to techniques. This term is borrowed by the novelist to indicate an approach to the presentation of psychological aspects of character in the novel. The stream of consciousness techniques attempts to find a new form for communicating the pre-speech level of consciousness. Free association is a psychological term which explains the way of one’s thinking, which is controlled by three factors: the memory, the senses, and the imagination. The function of the interior monologue is to make us acquainted with the persons and aware of their inner conflicts. In a stream- of- consciousness writing, the author attempts to follow the uninterrupted flow of consciousness reactions and associations which pass through the minds of the characters as they act externally during a period of their lives. Chapter 2 is devoted to the study of devices used in The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. The former Elle magazine editor Jean-Dominique Bauby, who, in 1995 at the age of 43, became a victim of the so-called "locked-in syndrome" after a sudden stroke that had paralyzed his entire body, except his left eye. With the help of a speech therapist, he struggled to write his memoirs by blinking his only left eyelid. The third chapter is to outline the montage theory and technique on the one part, and also to understand the narrative manifestation of montage on the other part among this study.The devices of montage used in fiction are of two kinds : the narrative montage and the expressive montage. Confliction, contrast, symbolization and metaphor are all applied as the main expression form of montage art. Above all, it is the main subject matters of chapter 3 to study the presentation of montage art in stream- of- consciousness novels and to conclude the overall viewpoints.


張維真,〈張維真小提琴演奏會(含輔助文件:史特拉汶斯基作品中蒙太奇手法之演奏詮釋--以<<嬉遊曲>>為例) 〉,台北:國立交通大學音樂研究所碩士論文,2008,頁9-16。
Pudovkin, V. I.,《電影技巧與電影表演》( Film Technique and Film Acting ),劉森堯譯,台北:書林,1980。


