  • 學位論文

正面迎擊˙展現生命 中年生涯轉換者之內在經驗探究

Face Forward as Life Manifests Itself - Exploring the Inner Experiences of Career Transition in the Middle Aged

指導教授 : 楊明磊


本研究旨在探討中年生涯轉換者之內在經驗,透過與六位研究參與者的深度訪談,探究曾經在某一產業的資深職業人士在中年轉換生涯過程中之覺知、省思、詮釋與建構的內在經驗與變化,並深入挖掘其透過這些內在經驗所產生的信念、目標與人生意義。本研究以事先設計、半結構式大綱指引訪談的進行與資料收集。研究者透過個人關係網絡以及協同研究團隊的介紹等二種來源,嘗試邀請符合條件,並具備參與意願者;透過連繫、說明研究目的、篩選,以及確認參與意願後,成功邀請6位(男性4位,女性2位)參與研究。 研究結果歸納如下之結論: 一、引爆生涯轉換事件的背後,那些沒有被說出口的,往往才是關鍵。無論主觀上是自願、非自願或是順其自然的情況,研究參與者皆在經過一段時間(可能是數天、數月,甚至數年)的沉澱與反思之後,才會陸續察覺橫亙在內心糾結、難解、引發生涯轉換的理由。經過研究者彙整歸納,這些理由除了現況與個人期望有所出入之外,不外乎是研究參與者對自我概念的探索、自我實現的渴望,以及背負家族的期待與危機意識等因素。而這些因素在被研究參與者察覺、辨識、接納與認同之後,成為面對未來挑戰的主要動機與力量。二、從對自己的懷疑鬆綁,才能得到一個新的身分,並且重塑與穩固對自己的認同。研究者參與者經由下述解析與思辨的歷程中,促使自己從逃避轉變為接納這些內在現實,並且依據所擁有的現實條件,發展出有利於生存的思想,進而逐漸趨向正向、整合與健康的心理發展。1.回顧自我探索與建構的歷程,窺探那隱藏在內心早已內化的傾向,以獲得敢於面對真實世界的勇氣。2.在面對種種外在的挫折下,人的本能是屈服畏縮,還是突破重圍,以尋找活下去的生路。3.理想和現實的衝突與不一致會耗費我們大部分的能量,尋找如何轉換與統整內在動力的方向,才有機會讓內在趨向和諧。三、生涯轉換中,有時候放下並不會讓焦慮降低,反而會讓害怕陷入失敗的焦慮讓內心更加地不平靜;然而,有時候懂得與現實保持距離,反而可以看到比較完整的樣貌,並且因為這樣的距離而更加貼近真實。四、找到一種方式傾聽內在的聲音,主動去發現與賦予所經驗世界的意義,才能讓主觀的真實與認同、生活的信念與目標得以發展,並進而展現生命;所以,人生的意義與價值是活出來的!五、生存與死亡、快樂與痛苦皆是相生相伴、相生相剋;因此,生活的目標不該是趨樂避苦,而是學會如何在快樂與痛苦相伴之下安適地存在。


中年 生涯轉換 內在經驗


The aim of this study is to explore the inner experiences of career transition in the middle-aged. Through in-depth interviews with six senior practitioners who have worked in different industries, we explore their inner experiences and changes such as awareness, reflection, interpretation, and construction, and explore how their beliefs, goals and values have been influenced by these experiences. This study uses a preliminary designed, semi-structured outline to guide the process of interview and data collection. Researchers have invited participants who are willing and who meet the requirements of this research through personal network and through the introduction of the collaborative research team. After contacting, explaining the purpose of the study, screening, and confirming the willingness to participate, we have successfully invited 6 participants (4 male, 2 female) to participate. The results are summarized as follows: 1.What lies beneath the triggering events that in turn lead to career transition is most often critical.Regardless of the participants’ will, they will often realize gradually and not immediately the entangled reasons for career change only after taking a break and reflecting on the said issues for a period of time (days, months, or even years). In addition to the discrepancy between the status quo and one’s personal expectations, these reasons are nothing more than the exploration on the concept of self, the desire for self-realization, as well as family expectations and crisis awareness, among others. These factors become the main motivations and forces in the face of future challenges after the participants have perceived, identified, accepted and recognized them. 2.Only after one releases oneself from self-doubt may one acquire and strengthen a new identity.Through the following process of analysis and speculation, research participants were able to accept their inner realities instead of escaping from them. Furthermore, they were able to develop ideas conducive to survival from their present conditions and gradually move towards an integrated and healthy psychological development. ⑴To review the process of self-exploration and construction, to explore those tendencies hidden deep down that have long been internalized in order to gain the courage to face the real world. ⑵In the face of all kinds of external setbacks, is the human instinct to give in, or to break through and find one’s way? ⑶The conflict and inconsistency between what’s ideal and what’s real consumes most of our energy. We will only have the opportunity to move towards inner harmony if we find out how to transform and integrate our internal strength. 3.During career transitions, it should be noted that sometimes letting go of things may not reduce one’s anxiety, but may instead trigger the fear of failing which might only result in an increase in anxiety. Sometimes however, knowing how to keep reality at a distance allows one to see a more complete picture, which is actually, ironically, closer to reality. 4.Find a way to listen to one’s inner voice and take the initiative to discover and bestow meaning upon the world as experienced in order to develop subjective reality and identity, and one’s goals and beliefs. As a result, we allow life to manifest itself, and come to the realization that the value of life lies in living. 5.Death and survival, happiness and pain are two sides of the same coin. Therefore, the goal of life should not be to avoid suffering, but to learn how to lead a content and peaceful life even though accompanied by pain.


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