  • 學位論文


Temporary accommodation under the crisis of urban _ container house

指導教授 : 黃瑞茂


中文摘要 近年來由於環境資源危機造成居住生活環境受到影響,當地居民成為因受都市危機被迫遷居的都市災民,在現今危機時代趨勢中,如何規劃建造適當並有效安置的臨時居住單元,用以提供援助是都市危機工作和因應居住環境上的需求的具體作法,將會是提升居住環境品質及居住資源均衡利用相當重要的課題。每年台灣淘汰一定數量的貨櫃體,貨櫃因為加工容易、組裝快的特性,目前在台灣的貨櫃屋多利用為建築工寮、組合屋等建物。利用建立在貨櫃尺寸模矩下的組立材料,在災害發生後快速組裝成為「臨時單元」供給居住機能,並在須遷離時可回收循環利用為以「貨櫃」做「支架體」的臨時單元材料,搭配其他可回收填充體,減少資源浪費和對環境的衝擊。 本研究以貨櫃屋作為設定的本體來探討危機都市的現象,就現有6種臨時居所比較探討,提供臨時住宅之相關設計資訊,透過組織過的相關資訊,為有助於進行決策之評估的一種檢驗方式,提出臨時居所應具有「開放性」、「生態性」、「地域性」三種性格。本研究就現有臨時居所比較探討,以貨櫃做為「支架體」和「填充體」規格的模矩考量,回收率高的竹材作為內裝和「填充體」主材,提出在危機都市下符合經濟性、施工快速、結構簡易並能符合居民臨時安置需求的生活空間為設計原則。在不同都市危機下,本研究規劃「邊界公寓」、「流浪之家」、「背包居所」3種臨時住宅,以提供危機城市中臨時住宅之理念與計畫相結合的概念為探討角度,期望在兼顧臨時居住行和危機城市下居住發展的原則下描述離散建築的具體計畫,達到未來臨時居住環境中落實可持續發展的目標。


都市危機 貨櫃屋 臨時居所


Abstract Recently, due to the crisis of entertainment resources, residents are forced to migrate from urban. The specific method is to build effective temporary building units supporting to urban emergency and living entertainment. The purpose of temporary building units is to improve container residence quality in construction and resource. There are large amounts of container houses discarding each year in Taiwan. Because the container house is easily processed and quickly fabricated, it is often used to build factory buildings and knock-down houses. while disaster occurred, the materials are speed up to build temporary units. The modular of container buildings supported residents residential functions. After moving out, the temporary units with other infill are recycled to reduce the waste of resource and impact of environment. This study analyzed urban emergency in light of the building of container houses. Six temporary housings are compared to supply the design concepts. To organize the design considerations, the method can be estimated to make decision process. There are 3 identities (Open Identity, Biological Identity, Regional Identity) of temporary housings obtained from reference. Therefore, the structure based on containers by modular units of "Support" and "Infill". The main infill is bamboo of high recycling rates. The design guideline for a more economical, more easily constructive and more simple structure can be built. Under different urban emergency, this study produced 3 temporary housings, "Remote Apartment", "Moving Village", "Packaging House". This study looked for future temporary housings can be adopted under the living principle at emergency urban.


urban emergency container temporary housings


