  • 學位論文

晨讀實施方式與學生閱讀態度關係之研究- 以臺北市「晨讀123-國民中學推動晨讀運動計畫」國中為例

A study of the relationship between the methods of implementing reading in the morning and students’ attitudes-case on Taipei City Junior High Schools of practicing 《Reading Project 123》

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究針對臺北市實施「晨讀123-國民中學推動晨讀運動計畫」的國中,其晨讀方式現況與學生閱讀態度之關係做調查。以問卷做為研究工具,並以臺北市公、私立國中八年級學生為研究對象,選取樣本583人,所填答的資料以描述性統計、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定加以分析驗證假設。 本研究主要發現: 一、台北市國中推動「晨讀123-國民中學推動晨讀運動計畫」之現況:實施頻率以「一週一次」最多。閱讀素材來源以「學校圖書館借的書/共讀書箱」最多。閱讀素材,以「小說(長、短篇小說、故事)」最多。「學生自己單獨閱讀」最多。「有」晨讀延伸活動較多,其中以「寫閱讀心得或線上閱讀認證」最多。「導師-國文老師」帶領最多。「無實施晨讀活動」者多,實施「推薦好書」的晨讀活動最多。「無獎勵」的學校居多。 二、臺北市國中學生閱讀態度現況良好,以「閱讀認知」的態度表現最好,其次為「閱讀行為」,但「閱讀感覺」的態度待加強。 三、學校在「晨讀實施頻率」、「閱讀素材來源」、「閱讀素材種類」、「晨讀延伸活動」、「晨讀帶領人員」與「學校獎勵方式」的分布比例上,會因為「學校類型」的不同而有所差異。 四、學校在「晨讀實施頻率」、「閱讀素材來源」、「閱讀素材種類」、「主要閱讀方式」、「晨讀延伸活動」與「學校獎勵方式」的分布比例上,會因為「學校規模」的不同而有所差異。 五、學校在「晨讀實施頻率」、「閱讀素材來源」、「閱讀素材種類」、「主要閱讀方式」、「晨讀延伸活動」、「晨讀帶領人員」、「晨讀活動內容」與「學校獎勵方式」的分布比例上,會因為「學校所在區域」的不同全部有差異。 六、臺北市的國中女學生各方面的閱讀態度表現優於男生;父母每週有較多的閱讀時間、家庭閱讀資源多的學生,其閱讀態度表現佳;私立學校的學生閱讀態度優於公立學校學生優良生;中型規模學校的學生閱讀態度較佳。內湖、南港區的學生閱讀態度優於 中正、萬華、士林、北投區的學生。 七、不同晨讀實施頻率、不同閱讀素材種類、不同晨讀延伸活動學校的學生在各層面的閱讀態度有顯著差異。 八、閱讀素材來源不同學校的學生在「閱讀認知」「閱讀行為」與「整體閱讀態度」有顯著的差異。但在「閱讀感覺」沒有差異。 九、不同閱讀方式、不同晨讀帶領人員、不同獎勵方式的學校,其學生在各層面的閱讀態度沒有差異。 十、不同晨讀活動內容的學校,其學生在「閱讀感覺」的分數有顯著的差異。但在「閱讀認知」、「閱讀行為」與「整體閱讀態度」上沒有差異。 最後,根據上述的研究結論,提出具體建議,以供教育主管機關、學校行政單位、國中老師及未來研究者之參考。


The study aims to explore the relationship between the morning reading implementings and 8th grade students’ attitudes in Taipei City Junior High School. The study uses questionnaire as a research tool and 8th-grade students in Taipei City Junior High School as the research respondents. We selected 583 questionnaires from students of Taipei City junior high schools practicing the project 《Reading 123》 and analyzed the data statistics by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, t-Test and The Chi-Square Test. The main findings are as follows: 1. The current situation of implementing the reading project《Reading 123》in Taipei City Junior High Schools is:Reading frequency rating most is once a week;reading materials come from school library books/class book cases most;students read novels(long,short stories)most;students read alone most;students have extension reading activities out of class by writing comments or feedback to the books or passing on-line certification systems most;Tutors who teach Chinese lead the reading activities most-by recommending books themselves. But the majority of schools have no rewards for the morning reading project. 2. The students’ reading cognition and reading behavior had been significantly upgraded after implementing the reading project, but the students’ reading feelings are not enhanced. 3. In terms of reading frequency, reading material source,reading material type, reading extension activities,reading guides,and reward systems, significat differences exist between different school types. 4. In terms of reading frequency, reading material source,reading material type, reading method, reading extension activities,and reward systems, significant differences exist among different school scales. 5. In terms of reading frequency, reading material source,reading material type, reading method, reading extension activities, the reading guides, class reading activities in the morning, and reward systems , significant differences exist among school areas. 6.Significant differences exist in students’ attitudes due to their different backgrounds:Girls have better attitudes than boys;students whose parents spend more time on reading weekly have better attitudes;students whose family have more reading supplies have better attitudes;priviate school students have better attitudes than public school students;middle scale school students in Neihu、Nangang Districts have better attitudes than those large scale school students in Zhongzheng、Wanhua、Shilin and Beitou Districts. 7.Signicifcant differences exist in students’ attitudes due to different schools’ reading frequency, reading material type and reading extension activities. 8.Signicifcant differences exist in students’ reading cognition and reading behavior due to different schools’ reading material sources;but no difference exists in reading feelings. 9. Signicifcant differences do not exist among students’ reading attitudes due to different schools’ reading methods, the reading guides, reward systems. 10. In terms of class reading activities in the morning, significant differences exist in students’ feelings . But no significant difference exists in students’ reading cognition and reading behavior. The research results were further discussed in this study and according to the discussion, some suggestions were provided for school administrative units, teachers, parents and researchers.


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