  • 學位論文


The tactics knowledge of Japan’s working environments ─Basic on the effect of Hanzawa Naoki─

指導教授 : 孫寅華


本研究主要著眼於池井戶潤所著作的系列小說,以半澤直樹這個角色為中心展開的故事,從中發掘出潛藏於人性裡的厚黑特質,並且進而去探討「厚」與「黑」的智慧是否確實在現今日本社會中被運用。 若從權謀的運用這點來看,會發現『厚黑學』與『孫子兵法』其實有諸多類似的論點。然而當今的日本社會對於這兩本著作的評價卻顯得相當兩極化。就這點而言,是和道德面的包裝之有無有著很大的關聯。 日本泡沫經濟時期崩壞前後的這段期間內,日本社會結構中所產生的變化,以及當時的人與人之間的在工作能力方面的相互傾軋較勁心態越來越明顯,且逐漸激烈化。而這也就說明了,人的心態和想法是會隨著社會的氛圍之不同而產生改變的。在這樣一個激烈的環境中,要成功地存活到最後,『厚黑學』所強調的厚黑法則是不可或的。 而在池井戶潤筆下的人物── 半澤直樹身上,可以看見許多運用著「厚」與「黑」的智慧。在其所擁有的厚黑特質中,亦顯現出不少『孫子兵法』所論述的要點。由此可證明,『厚黑學』和『孫子兵法』確實是有相互連結的部分。另外,藉由作者筆下所描繪的社會樣態,也可以看見到同樣處於泡沫經濟崩壞前後的日本現實社會的縮影。不難想像在當時激烈的職場環境中,「厚」與「黑」的智慧所占有的重要性。 如『厚黑學』這類充滿著「惡」的要素的「暗默知」,在運用的時候,對於其「惡」的部分的隱藏是非常重要的。也就是說,透過巧妙地包裝手法,使得充斥著惡意的知識被合理化,因此在運用的時候便有著一個能夠充分說服自己的理由。其中,最重要的一點就是給自己一個「不得已才去使用」的理由。這當中包含著一些人性的柔軟層面與道德層面,用這些元素去構成一個能夠包裝住「惡」的表皮,因而才能夠讓「暗默知」變得較為人們所能夠接受。 使用「暗默知」最主要的目的就是希望能夠在激烈的職場環境中保護自己,並且存活下去;像這樣包含著「惡」的要素的知識,可說是一項職場中所必備的武器。因此,也可以稱其為職場中的「必要之惡」。


This study mainly focused on the series of novels which written by the Jun Ikeido. The author used the avatar that was named as Hanzawa Naoki, the leading actor’s name, to start this whole story. In this story, we discovered the human’s characteristics of thick black theory, therefore we discussed the “thick” and “black” which were still used in the modern Japan’s social life.   From the point of using political tactics, we will reveal some views between the “Thick Black Theory” and “The Art of War” in common. However, those books have polarized judgments. As far as we concern, it was all about the moral, which was been decorated, or not.   During the Japanese asset price bubble period, there was the change of Japan’s social structure that was people started to compete to the other one in the work aggressively and obviously. For that indicated the people’s thinking and attitude will alter along with the social atmosphere. In this highly competitive environment, if we seeking the success, the thick black theory is the necessary one.   One of the character, Hanzawa Naoki, was created by Jun Ikeido that illustration the “thick” and “black” which those characteristics also displayed in “The Art of War’s” thesis. Moreover, that proof the “Thick Black Theory” and “The Art of War” were connected some parts in fact.   This full of evil tactic knowledge, for instance, “Thick Black Theory”, is very significant to hide the evil part when we are using it. On the other word, using the evil tactic knowledge will be legalized via skillful modify so that there is a proper reason to convince yourself to do it. The most important point is given you a limit such as “does it if it is necessary ”. Those contained some human’s characteristics like kindness and morality, using those elements to decorate the surface of the evil tactic knowledge. From the top of that, the evil tactic knowledge will accept for people.   The mainly purpose of using evil tactic knowledge is to protect ourselves and to survive from the highly competitive work environment. It’s a essential weapon for the work like the evil tactic knowledge, also called “the evil of necessary”.




