  • 學位論文


The Influence of Emotional Labor on Customer Satisfaction: Exploring the Mediating Role of Customer-Oriented Behavior

指導教授 : 汪美伶


金融機構的經營者常思考應如何透過有效的管理機制,協助服務人員在面對形形色色的顧客時,能夠規範自身情緒,展現顧客導向行為,進而改善顧客滿意度。故本研究欲檢驗服務人員的情緒勞務對顧客導向行為與顧客滿意度的影響,同時檢驗顧客導向行為在情緒勞務與顧客滿意度兩者關係間的中介角色。本研究針對國內銀行服務人員及其所屬顧客,以問卷方式蒐集42 位服務人員與498 位顧客之資料後,進行後續分析。層級迴歸分析結果發現,情緒勞務分別對顧客導向行為、顧客滿意度具有顯著正向影響,顧客導向行為對顧客滿意度亦有顯著正向影響。此外,顧客導向行為在情緒勞務與顧客滿意度間,則有顯著的中介效果。最後,本研究根據上述結果,提出相關理論與實務意涵建議。


Management of financial institutions has continuously focused on the way to help service employees regulate their own emotions when facing a variety of customers so so that they can exhibit customer-oriented behavior and then improve customer satisfaction. The purposes of the study are to examine the influences of emotional labor on employees’ customer-oriented behavior and customer satisfaction as well as the mediating role of customer-oriented behavior between emotional labor and customer satisfaction. We collected data from 42 service employees in banks and their 498 customers, and then conducted subsequent analyses. The results of hierarchical regression showed that emotional labor had positive effects on customer-oriented behavior and customer satisfaction. Employees’ customer-oriented behavior also had positive effects on customer satisfaction. In addition, the relationship between emotional labor and customer satisfaction was mediated by employees’ customer-oriented behavior. Both theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


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