  • 學位論文


Analysis of Mediated Translation from Cultural Elements in Mexican Novel: Like Water for Chocolate.

指導教授 : 戴毓芬


《巧克力情人》(Como Agua para Chocolate)一書是由墨西哥女作家,蘿拉•艾斯奇弗(Laura Esquivel)於1989年所出版的小說,其作品充滿拉丁美洲文學魔幻寫實的風格,雖以男女感情為故事主線,但作者有技巧性地以月份呈現內容章節,並加入許多墨西哥當地特色菜餚做為書中主要敘事元素,不僅跳脫商業言情小說的窠臼,也帶起飲食文學的風潮。甫一推出,便廣受好評,除了被翻譯超過三十種語言外,還盤踞當時紐約時報暢銷書榜首相當長的時間。此外,其富有張力及曲折的內容,更是被電影公司遴選,進而搬上大螢幕,作者蘿拉•艾斯奇弗(Laura Esquivel)親自操刀撰寫電影劇本,並由阿爾豐索•亞勞(Alfonso Arau)所執導的同名電影也同時創造了票房佳績,更奠定了本書在魔幻寫實代表作的地位。 中譯本的《巧克力情人》由映像文化事業股份有限公司出版,筆者閱讀過後,發現內容和西班牙語原著有部份差異,進一步研究得知是由英譯本轉譯而來,尤其本書中提到許多墨西哥當地菜餚與一些專有名詞的特殊用法,在中譯本卻未出現,著實令人惋惜,因此,筆者將以本書為研究主題,於第一章的部份說明此篇論文的寫作動機、目的與研究方法;第二章概述翻譯理論的流變及其20世紀以降所衍生的各家學派,並藉由文努蒂(Venuti)的歸化」、「異化﹞論之分析,在後續的分析過程中分析中譯本《巧克力情人》可能採取的翻譯策略;第三章除了扼要簡述作者生平及略述文本內容之象徵意義外,進而評估英、中譯者是否可能因某種未明的目的而詮釋原作;第四章將在中譯本《巧克力情人》在轉譯過程中可能發生的翻譯問題,透過語言認知與異國文化元素轉換上的差異,進一步探究其確切的意涵;第五章結論的部份則對研究過程結束後,做一完整的總述,並冀望藉此論文,能對《巧克力情人》一書有興趣的讀者有所助益。


翻譯理論 轉譯 文化元素 歸化 異化


Like Water for Chocolate. is a notable novel written by Mexican novelist Laura Esquivel, first published in 1989, and known for its strong images of Latin American magic realism. Although the plot is based on a romantic tragedy of the two lovers, the author, Esquivel, except intentionally names these twelve chapters by months of the year, incorporates lots of elements such as Mexican folktale and the spirits of local cuisine into her fanciful narration. She succesfully opens up another views of the contemporary romances, and leads the trend to taste in food literature, as well. When the first edition was published, it recieved considerable positive comment from worldwide readership, and also has been translated into 30 languages. Besides, due to the combination of its unlimited ilusion and attractive storyline, it was soon filmed. The film adaptation of the novel was released in 1992. It was written by Laura Esquivel in person and directed by her ex- husband, Alfonso Arau. Because of mediated translation, it leads the Chinese translation of Como Agua para Chocolate to present a significant difference between the original version, especially in the interpretation of cultural vocabularies and expressions. Therefore, in this thesis, we have found a series of translating problems in the target text, which rendered from the mediated one(English version). Through the comparative analysis of the mediated translation in this Mexican novel, this research not only explains the adequacy or the acceptability of translating strategies in target culture, but reflects the dynamic relation and the congnitive difference among the diversity of lenguage, cultural elements, and translation under the intercultural communication.


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