  • 學位論文


Recovery and Utilization of CO2 : A Chemical Process Design and Integration

指導教授 : 陳錫仁


本論文主要進行二氧化碳回收再利用之化工設計與整合,分別整合三個程序:(1) 二氧化碳回收轉製合成氣;(2) 合成氣製造甲醇及;(3) 甲醇轉製汽油。研究中並針對「甲醇轉製汽油」程序進行狹點技術與換熱器網路分析,吾人比較其熱能整合前後的能源需求以及成本花費,最後選擇出最佳方案。 論文中主要利用兩套軟體進行研究:“Aspen Plus” 與 “SuperTarget”。前者主要是用於程序合成、設計與模擬;後者則是進行狹點分析與換熱器網路合成。


程序整合 合成氣 甲醇 二甲醚 汽油


In this thesis, we have presented a chemical process design and integration for the recovery and utilization of carbon dioxide. Essentially, it consists of three processes: (1) recovery and utilization of carbon dioxide and conversion to the making of synthesis gas; (2) methanol production from the syngas, and (3) production of gasoline from methanol. In the study, we have also carried out a pinch analysis and heat exchanger network synthesis for the “production of gasoline from methanol”. At last, we have compared the energy consumption and capital costs of the process with/without heat integration and selected the optimal case. Two kinds of software were utilized in the research—Aspen Plus and SuperTarget. The former was used for the process synthesis, design, and simulation; the latter was used to carry out the pinch analysis and the synthesis of heat exchanger network.


Process Integration Syngas Methanol Dimethyl Ether Gasoline


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