  • 學位論文

使用ELECTRE III法評選智慧型手機選購最佳方案

he Optimization Selection for Smart Phones Using ELECTRE III Method

指導教授 : 曹銳勤


近年來隨著移動通訊的發展,智慧型手機成為全球最多人使用的移動通訊設備,為了應付不同領域消費者的需求,各家智慧型手機廠商不斷推出新一代智慧型手機,並在相關應用領域也不斷地改善與創新,使智慧型手機更能融入消費者的日常生活之中。不只智慧型手機產量逐年成長,智慧型手機的使用者也逐年增加,代表著手機使用者中選用智慧型手機的消費者越來越多。面對產品種類多元的智慧型手機市場,消費者如何選擇適合自己的智慧型手機已成為主要課題。針對此議題,本研究利用多屬性決策ELECTRE III法為基礎,並且融入Kano二維品質模式對於原ELECTRE III法進行修正後,建構出以消費者為主,應用於購買智慧型手機的決策模型。透過專家問卷收集智慧型手機在不同準則下之表現績效後,使用原ELECTRE III法與修正後ELECTRE III法進行分析評比,最後在比較此兩種方法結果之差異。結果顯示,修正後ELECTRE III法更清楚反應消費者心中各評比方案詳細的優劣排序。


Along with the rapid development of mobile communications, smart phones have become the most popular tool as a means to communicate. Thus, new smart phones have been constantly developed and introduced to cater to the needs of different groups of costumers with ever improved and innovative applications. The aim has been to create a device that the customer would find useful and indispensable in every day life. With the striking growth in the numbers of mobile phones and their users year by year, it has become increasingly vital for the customer to know how to select the right smart phone among a wide variety of choices. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a smartphone selection procedure for the prospective users, which is achieved by the improved ELECTRE III method with the incorporation of Kano. In the essay, it further uses and scrutinizes the results of the questionnaires designed by the experts. With the application of the initial ELECTRE III and the improved ELECTRE III methods, we can see a great number of differences in the same results of the surveys. In conclusion, it is evident that the improved ELECTRE III method reflects more clearly the outranking relations among each alternative for the prospective users.


Smart Phones ELECTRE III Kano model


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