  • 學位論文


A Sentiment-Based Model for Online Video Popularity

指導教授 : 張瑋倫


網際網路的普及使不同網路服務自由發展,很多人趁著此機會創立每天用得到的網站或網路平台,而近來像YouTube影片分享網站也愈來愈受歡迎,雖然其提供留言與評估(點選喜歡或不喜歡)影片的功能,但大多數使用者選擇觀看影片或判斷其熱門度時,常將忽略此功能,而只重視影片觀看次數,故本研究期望透過情感分析,探討線上影片中回覆內容情感之影響、瞭解其他可影響到影片熱門度因素之重要性、建構影片能見度以及以情感指標為基礎之影片熱門度模式,並透過問卷發放驗證其對於使用者影片選擇之影響。 本研究共選擇YouTube中八個不同影片類型頻道、306部影片與59,103則回覆,研究共收集200份問卷,而從研究結果可知,觀看次數較高的影片或頻道不見得具有較多正面回覆。此外,納入情感因素後,使用者的影片選擇將有所差異,並聚焦於正負詞比率較高的影片。第三,影片本身因素(如影片標題、縮圖與內容)之影響程度比其他客觀的因素(如觀看次數、喜歡次數與評論中正負詞比率)高。最後,雖然所有因素中情感因素對於影片選擇的影響較低,但其本身影響程度被36.8%填答者選為三分(中度),由此可知,情感因素能影響到對於影片的意見或改變觀看之決策。 此外,由於現今許多商品廣告或行銷公司針對線上影片經營其效益,透過本研究建構的影片熱門度模式進行情感因素有效管理(如得知影片正負面回覆或喜歡次數),以聚焦於情感因素提高影片熱門度及吸引更多新觀看者,最後,以分析與將情感方面的資訊提供予使用者參考提高網路行銷平台之銷效率。


線上影片 熱門度 評論 情感分析


The spread of Internet provides different new services for development. Today, video-sharing website such as YouTube has become more and more popular. Although it has functions like comment as well as like or dislike most people still neglect them and pay attention only to the number of views. Therefore, this study investigates the influence of online video by focusing on sentiment analysis, understands the importance of other factors that may impact on online video’s popularity, and build a model of online video popularity. This study selected eight different types of channels from YouTube, including 306 videos and 59103 comments. We also collected 200 questionnaires. The result showed that videos with certain views are not always prone to have more positive comments. In addition, the use of sentiment indeed impacted on users’ selection of videos in terms of higher sentimental ratio. Moreover, the influence of factors of video itself (e.g. title, thumbnail or content) is higher than the influence of other factors (e.g. views, likes or sentimental ratio). Although, the influence of sentimental ratio relatively low, the impact was rated as five scale of three by 36.8% respondents. That is, sentiment factor may impact on opinion about the video or even change the selection of videos. Moreover, many product advertisement or marketing companies focus on benefits of online videos. This study can also provide three implications; for instance, by using the proposed video popularity model to help conduct effective sentimental factors management (e.g. to know number of views or likes), increasing video popularity and attracting more viewers, and enhancing marketing efficiency of online video platforms.


Online Video Popularity Comment Sentiment Analysis


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