  • 學位論文


Earthquake Response Characteristics Analysis of Vertically Irregular Building Structures

指導教授 : 高金盛


論文名稱:立面不規則建築結構之地震反應特性分析 頁數:282 校系(所)組別:淡江大學 土木工程學系碩士班 畢業時間及提要別: 100學年度第2學期碩士學位論文提要 研究生:畢博盛 指導教授: 高金盛 博士 論文提要內容: 在多次破壞性地震中,甚多建築結構因立面不規則而遭到明顯破壞,但隨著新穎造型設計理念不斷蓬勃發展,以及不同使用功能上的需求,立面不規則性建築結構已無法完全避免。為瞭解建築結構不同立面不規則性對其地震反應的影響,以及瞭解擬靜力法、反應譜法及歷時分析法等三種分析方法對立面不規則建築結構地震反應分析的適用性,藉以確保立面不規則建築結構的耐震安全性,本論文以六層樓與二十層樓之中低與中高鋼筋混凝土建築結構為例,使用SAP2000分析軟體,分析及探討規則性與立面幾何不規則、立面勁度不規則與立面質量不規則等四種建築結構的地震反應特性,並進一步探討擬靜力法、反應譜法及歷時分析法等三種分析方法的適用性。 研究結果顯示立面不規則建築結構中,以幾何不規則及勁度不規則對地震反應的影響最為明顯,質量不規則則影響較小;另外,反應譜法及歷時分析法對中低層與中高層建築結構言,分析所得結果均相近似;對中低層建築結構言,擬靜力法尚適用於立面不規則建築結構之地震反應分析,惟對中高層建築結構言,擬靜力法則明顯不適用。 關鍵字:立面不規則、建築結構、地震反應


Title of Thesis : Total pages :282 Earthquake Response Characteristics Analysis of Vertically Irregular Building Structures key word : vertically irregular , building structures , earthquake response Name of Institute : Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering, Tamkang University Graduate date : June, 2012 Degree conferred : Master Name of student : Bo-Sheng Bi Advisor : Dr. Chin-Sheng Kao 畢博盛 高金盛 博士 Abstract : In numerous destructive earthquakes, a lot of building structures were obviously destroyed because of their irregular elevation. But with the continuous development of new shape-designing idea and the demands on different functions, vertically irregular building structures have been already unable to be totally avoided. In order to realize the influence of different kind of vertical irregularity on the earthquake response of building structures and the suitability of three types of such analysis methods as psuedo-static method, response spectrum method and linear time history analysis method and to guarantee the seismic safety of vertically irregular building structures, this thesis takes in six-floor building and 20-floor building for example and uses the SAP2000 analysis software to analyze and investigate the characteristics of earthquake response of such four types of building structures as regularity, vertical geometry irregularity, vertical stiffness irregularity and vertical mass irregularity. Further more this thesis investigates the suitability of such three types of analysis methods as psuedo-static method, response spectrum method and linear time history analysis method. The results of this study have shown that among vertically irregular building structures, the influences of geometry irregularity and stiffness irregularity on the earthquake response are more and the influences of mass irregularity is smaller. Besides, for low-rise and high-rise building structures, the results got by response spectrum method and linear time history analysis method are similar. For low-rise building structures, psuedo-static method is still applicable in the earthquake response analysis of vertically irregular building structures, but psuedo-static method is not suitable for high-rise building analysis.


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