  • 學位論文


Factors Affecting Brand Relationship:Recreation Farm Proprietors and Customers Perspectives

指導教授 : 陳水蓮


近年來,由於臺灣的農業型態逐漸轉型為觀光農業,加上政府的積極推動,使得休閒農場成為新興的旅遊趨勢。而這份研究目的為瞭解農場經營者與消費者之間的品牌關係所進行的研究。本研究休閒農場經營者及消費者為研究對象探討兩部分,分別為一、獨特性提供、競爭性價格及獨立性對社區貢獻之影響,進而影響品牌關係的關聯性研究。二、農場之市場導向及企業家精神導向對顧客之知覺品質與品牌共鳴之影響,並進而影響品牌關係的關聯性研究。 本研究分為兩部分研究,分別是農場經營者及消費者。農場經營者以信件發放,共38間農場之有效樣本,以農場管理階級為研究對象,以SPSS18.0統計軟體進行信、效度分析,及線性迴歸進行假設檢定。消費者部分,以實地訪談及網路問卷進行資料蒐集,以曾經至特定休閒農場消費過之消費者為研究對象,共計回收38家農場之有效消費者樣本520份。以AMOS18.0統計軟體進行信、效度分析,並以結構方程式進行假設檢定。實證結果如下:一、市場導向與企業家精神導向對知覺品質有正向影響;二、市場導向對品牌共鳴有正向影響;三、知覺品質對品牌共鳴具有正向影響;四、知覺品質與品牌共鳴對品牌關係具有正向影響;五、獨特性提供與競爭性價格對社區貢獻具有正向影響;六、社區貢獻對品牌關係具有正向影響; 七、企業家精神導向對品牌共鳴無影響效果;八、獨立性對社區貢獻無影響效果。最後,本研究綜合研究結果提出管理與理論意涵,並對後續研究者提出建議,提供評估休閒農業的發展是否與消費者所認知及期望符合,進而改善或加強之並提供給學術研究者作為未來參考。


In recent years, agriculture in Taiwan has gradually transformed and combined with tourism, coupled with government activity promotion, making recreation farms the emerging recreation trend in tourism. This study is divided into 2 parts to understand the brand relationship between recreation farms and consumers. This study first explores the effect of uniqueness of offering, competition, and independence on contribution to community, and then affect on brand relationship. Second, the effect of market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation on quality perception and brand resonance, which in turn affect brand relationship with the empirical investigation of Taiwan Recreation Farms. Related to farm data collection, this study uses a mail questionnaire survey to collect data from 38 farms. The target subjects are managers of recreation farms. As to the customer questionnaires, this study uses public interviews and online questionnaire feedback to collect data. The respondents are people who have visited specific recreation farms. We collected 520 useful questionnaires for final data analysis. The research findings are as follows: First, market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation positively affect both quality perceptions; second, market orientation positively affects brand resonance; third, quality perception positively influences brand resonance; fourth, quality perception and brand resonance positively affect brand relationship; fifth, uniqueness of offering and competitive pricing positively affect contribution to community; and sixth, contribution to community positively influences brand relationship. Non-significant relationships exist between entrepreneurial orientation and brand resonance, and between independence and contribution to community. Finally, this study shows several managerial implications for recreation farm managers and further research directions are also discussed for future academics.


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