  • 學位論文


Title of Thesis: A Study on Fitness and Physical Education for Elementary Schools in New Taipei City: Implementation and Problems

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究以問卷調查法為主,文獻探討及文件分析法為輔,探討新北市國民小學健康體適能與體育教學之推動及其問題,本研究主要目的有: 一、瞭解新北市國民小學體育教師對學生健康體適能之看法。 二、瞭解新北市國民小學體育教學之推動情形。 三、瞭解新北市國民小學學生健康體適能與體育教學之關係。 四、探討新北市國民小學體育教學面臨之問題與可改善之策略。 五、探討新北市國民小學教師對目前學生健康體適能與體育教學的看法。 六、根據研究發現,提出未來可供我國國民小學體育教學改善之建議。 本研究之問卷調查,係採分層隨機抽樣的方式,針對新北市公立國民小學體育教師進行調查,回收有效樣本共208份,回收率為95%。調查所得資料採用SPSS20.0統計分析軟體進行描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、多元迴歸分析、統計考驗水準。 本研究之主要結論可歸納如下: 一、體育教師對國小學生健康體適能大致持正面評價。 二、體育教師對國小學生運動習慣的認知,以「學生具備基本運動技能」為主,對「學生能維持規律運動習慣」題項則看法較為保留。 三、體育教師對學生體育態度的看法,傾向於「學生樂於在體育課時間參與體育活動的練習」,但對「學生願意在體育課外,參加各類體育技能之訓練」此題項之支持度較低。 四、多數體育教師表示能透過體育教學,建立學生正確的運動觀念,但體育教師表示「在上體育課,能夠滿足所有學生運動的興趣與需求」者不多。 五、大多數體育教師表示在體育教學實施中,能隨時注意學生體能狀態,並隨時調整教學方式;但較少體育教師回答會在教學實施中使用流行的運動項目,以提升學生的學習興趣。 六、教師大多數都表示在上體育課時,會讓學生了解及遵守運動競賽的規則;但對「學校提供的體育活動場所,良好、充分及便利」此題項的支持度最低。 七、體育教師反應在體育教學上面臨的最大問題是國民小學「運動場所空間不足」,其次是「學生平日在家無法維持規律的運動習慣」。 八、對國小體育教學應改善的事項,以回答「爭取家長支持,協助學生在家亦能保持規律的運動習慣」之教師最多,其次為「改善學校的體育場所及器材設備」。 九、不同背景體育教師對國小學生健康體適能的看法及體育教學雖會因性別、年齡、擔任職務、教育背景、曾否擔任體育團隊的指導老師等而略有差異,但差異未達顯著水準。 最後,本研究依據所獲結論,分別針對教育行政主管單位、學校行政主管、體育教師、家長、學生及後續研究提出相關建議,以供參考。


This study mainly, via adopting the methods of questionnaire survey, as well as literature review and document analysis, aims to explore the physical fitness of students and the implementation of physical education in the elementary schools in New Taipei City. The purposes of the study include: 1. To understand the perceptions of teachers towards the physical fitness of students in elementary schools in New Taipei City. 2. To review the implementation of physical education in elementary schools. 3. To analyze the relationship between physical fitness and physical education. 4. To explore problems faced in the teaching of physical education and strategies adopted correspondingly. 5. To understand the views of Physical Education teachers (PE teachers in short) towards students’ physical fitness and physical education in elementary schools. 6. To propose suggestions useful for the improvement of physical education in elementary schools in the future. 219 questionnaires were sent to the PE teachers in elementary schools in New Taipei City via stratified random sampling, 208 valid questionnaires, with a valid response rate of 95% were obtained finally. The main conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The PE teachers mostly held positive attitudes towards students’ Physical Fitness. 2. As to perceptions of the PE teachers concerning students’ exercise habits, “students with basic exercise skills” gained the highest degree of recognition, whilst “students with regular exercise habits”, the least. 3. As to the perceptions of the PE teachers concerning students’ attitude towards physical education, “students are willing to participate the exercise in PE class” gained the highest degree of recognition, whilst “students are willing to participate the training for sports skill outside the PE class”, the least. 4. As responded by the PE teachers, majority of them were able to establish correct concept of students towards exercise through physical teaching, but few of them were able to meet students’ diversified interests and needs in their PE classes. 5. As responded by the PE teachers, majority of them were able to adjust their teaching methods in accordance with students’ physical situation in their classes, but few of them were able to adopt popular or fashionable sports to attract or raise students’ interests in their classes. 6. As responded by the PE teachers, majority of them were enhance the understanding of students about the competition rules of the games, but few of them think that their schools provided good, sufficient and convenient sport grounds or gymnasium. 7. As responded by the PE teachers, the problems of physical education faced by elementary schools in New Taipei City, “the inadequate provision of sport grounds or gymnasium” was the most serious one, then “students are not able to maintain regular exercise habits at home”, next. 8. As responded by the PE teachers, majority of them named “to gain the support of parents to assist their children to maintain regular exercise habits at home” as the top priority work need to be done in order to improve the teaching effect of physical education , and the next priority was the improvement of sports grounds, facilities and equipments. 9. It was found that there was no significant difference in the perceptions of the PE teachers towards students’ Physical Fitness in terms of their personal traits, such as gender, age, educational backgrounds, present post, and working experiences in being the sport trainers, etc.. Finally, related suggestions based on the findings of this study were proposed for the reference of the policy reform in the future.




