  • 學位論文


A Study on the enhancement of reading education in elementary schools of New Taipei City

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究以問卷調查法為主,文獻探討及文件分析法為輔,旨在探討新北市國民小學閱讀教育實施現況、問題及其因應策略,本研究主要目的有: 一、瞭解我國推展國民小學閱讀教育的政策。 二、探討新北市國民小學推展閱讀教育的情形。 三、探討新北市國民小學推展閱讀教育面臨的困境與因應策略。 四、分析新北市國民小學教師不同背景變項在推展閱讀教育之差異情形。 五、分析新北市國民小學推展閱讀教育面臨的困境與因應策略的關係。 本研究之問卷調查係採分層立意取樣,在新北市二不同屬性之行政分區各挑選公立國民小學二所,針對此四校之全體413名教師進行問卷調查,回收有效樣本共332份,回收率為80.4%。 本研究之主要結論可歸納如下: 一、教育部自2000年以來大力提倡閱讀教育,其政策係分三階段逐步推展,且每一階段之計畫名稱及重點略有不同。 二、新北市國小推展閱讀主題多樣、實施方式多元,並努力營造優質閱讀環境,教學上亦採漸進式閱讀策略與積極推動圖書館利用教育,使學生在學習上有明顯進步。 三、新北市教師反應在推動閱讀教育時面臨的問題以「師資」與「教學」問題最為嚴重,因應策略則針對「師資」與「教學」問題提出解決之道。 四、新北市國小閱讀教育之推展現況、面臨問題與因應策略在不同教師背景變項之差異顯著性有所不同。 五、學校閱讀教育推展現況、面臨問題以及因應策略之間有不同程度之相關。 本研究並依據研究結果,分別針對教育行政主管機關、國民小學、國小教師、家長及後續研究提出建議,以供參考。


新北市 國民小學 閱讀教育


This study mainly aims, via adopting the methods of questionnaires survey, document analysis, as well as literature review, to explore the implementation, problems faced and corresponding strategies of reading education in the elementary schools of New Taipei City (NTC, for short). The main purposes of this study include: 1. To analyze the development and existing focuses of policies of reading education in the elementary schools of NTC. 2. To explore the actual practices of reading education in the elementary schools of NTC. 3. To analyze the problems faced, while implementing reading education, and the corresponding strategies adopted by elementary schools of NTC. 4. To explore the similarities and differences in teaching or promoting reading education among teachers of different characters or backgrounds. 5. To analyze the relation of the perceived problems while implementing reading education to the corresponding strategies adopted in the elementary schools of NTC. A self-designed questionnaire was used as the tool of this study. By using stratified purposive sampling, 2 different types of administrative districts were chosen first, and then in each district, 2 schools were chosen in terms of the number of their teachers. In these 4 selected schools, all teachers (413 in total) were surveyed. Finally, with a response rate of 80.4%, 332 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The Ministry of Education in Taiwan has devoted a great deal to the promotion of reading education since 2000, and related policies in three different phrases of development have their own distinctive focuses. 2. The promotion of reading education in elementary schools of NTC has been conducted through various methods, such as the creation of vivid and high-quality reading environments via diversifying reading topics and approaches, the adoption of progressive reading strategies and enthusiastically encouraging students to use school libraries, etc. There has been noticeable progress in students’ learning outcomes after promoting reading education, according to the perception and observation of teachers. 3. The problems listed in the dimension of “teachers and teaching” are the most serious one named by the teachers while implementing reading education in NTC. The strategies related to the adequacy and quality of teachers are therefore the most needed, according to the responses of teachers. 4. There are significant differences in the implementation, difficulties, and corresponding strategies among different backgrounds of teachers. 5. There are different degree of positive correlation among the implementation, problems and corresponding strategies of reading education in the elementary schools. Based on the findings of the study, suggestions to the education administrative bodies, elementary schools, teachers, parents, and future studies were proposed respectively for the reference of the reform of policies and promotion of reading education in the future.




