  • 學位論文


Study of Individual Innovative Behavior and Related Factors: An Example of Service Industry

指導教授 : 牛涵錚


知識經濟時代下,員工創造力攸關企業之命脈,唯有致力於員工創新行為,才能為組織營造競爭優勢。多位探討創新議題之學者認為創新是驅動企業成長的主要因素,唯有不斷地創新產品、系統及服務,滿足內外顧客的需求,組織才能永續生存。依據行政院主計處98年10月統計資料,台灣服務業就業人力高達58.94%,且台灣因地理環境因素,天然資源有限,唯有仰賴組織中「人」的智慧與力量,不斷創新服務、技術及產品,才能在全球化的競爭環境中,與其他國家並駕齊驅,甚至領先群倫,成為領導品牌與企業。  本研究之主要目的,以工作滿足、組織公民行為、人格特質與影響力為自變項,探討其與個人創新行為之相關性及差異性,以及以工作滿足及組織公民行為為干擾變項,分別探討其對人格特質與個人創新行為、影響力與個人創新行為之干擾效果,期能藉由對組織員工個人創新行為之瞭解,提供管理實務上有效之建議。  本研究於2010年1月至3月期間針對行政院主計處定義之五大服務行業-教育服務、資訊科技、金融保險、護理照護服務及一般服務業(含非營利事業)員工及主管進行問卷收集,共回收有效樣本626份(回收率70.02%),以相關分析、廻歸分析、變異數分析及階層廻歸分析等研究方法,對研究假設進行驗證。研究結果發現: 一、影響力對個人創新行為具顯著正向影響。 二、工作滿足對個人創新行為具顯著正向影響。 三、組織公民行為對個人創新行為具顯著正向影響。 四、工作滿足對人格特質與個人創新行為之間具正向干擾效果。 五、組織公民行為對人格特質與個人創新行為之間具正向干擾效果。


In the age of knowledge-based economy, individual and contextual factors have been identified to significantly influence innovative performance. According to the statistics of Directorate-General of Budge, Accounting and Statistic, Executive Yuan, ROC (Taiwan) in October 2009, the working manpower in the services industry accounted for 58.94%. Furthermore, due to the environmental factors, nature resource in Taiwan has its limitation. How to create and enlarge employees’ productivity to reach a sustainability of businesses has been a major issue in each enterprise. From literature review, it was found that researches concluded that employees’ creative and innovative behavior can substantially contribute to organizational productivity, effectiveness, and survival. When employees exhibit creative and innovative behavior at work, they produce novel and useful ideas about organizational products, practices, services or procedures. The purpose of this study is to explore the correlation of employees' individual innovative behavior at work with following variables: (1)influence; (2)job satisfaction; (3)organizational civil behavior; and (4)personality traits. There were 626 respondents of teachers, IT engineers, employees of banks and insurance companies, nurses in hospitals and NGO staff questionnaired during the period of January and March 2010. Research findings showed that: 1.There were significant and positive correlations between influence and individual innovative behavior. 2.There were significant and positive correlations between job satisfaction and individual innovative behavior. 3.There were significant and positive correlations between organization civil behavior and individual innovative behavior. 4.Job satisfaction had moderating effects on the correlations between personality traits and individual innovative behavior. 5.Organizational civil behavior had moderating effects on the coorelations between personality traits and individual innovative behavior.


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