  • 學位論文


The Knots and Bolts of Telecollaboration: Research and Challenges in Tasks Design Faced by a Public Primary EFL Teacher in Taipei

指導教授 : 陳慶帆


摘要 本研究旨在探討英語教師(英語為外國語言)與合作夥伴在遠距合作時如何做出決定,以及哪些變數會影響任務設計與實際執行。研究人員以“全球跨文化交流的課程設計”為主題進行文獻探討,從過往經驗中決定進行何種類型的任務和結構,並進而設計適合遠距合作的課程模組。接著,藉由行動研究與兩個個案研究的負責夥伴教師進行任務前置溝通與意見交換,來決定有關任務的設計,以及如何交換不同的學習成果。兩個個案一是英語為外國語(EFL)的台灣學生與英語作為第二語言(ESL)的中國(香港)學生進行交流;另一個個案是英語為外國語(EFL)的台灣學生與英語為母語的澳洲學生進行合作。最後,根據二步分析法,我們建議,在設計與進行遠距合作交流時,教師和研究人員以台北的一所公立小學英語教室為外語學習虛擬教室。


ABSTRACT In this paper the researcher examines how English Foreign Language (EFL) teachers and partners make decisions about task design in telecollaboration and the factors that influence these decisions during the actual implementation of the tasks. The researcher begins with a search from review of the recent literature of lesson design for global intercultural communication projects, to identify the typology of different types of tasks and structures; and sequences to a telecollaboration lesson template. Next, illustration through two case studies - both primary telecollaborative exchanges; first between learners of EFL Chinese (Taiwan) and English as a Second Language (ESL) Chinese (Hong Kong) and second between English (Australian) and Chinese (Taiwan) - how such decisions about task design are reached by partner teachers prior to an exchange, and how that task design is negotiated throughout the exchange with different consequences on the learning outcomes. Finally, based on this two-step analysis, we make recommendations about factors that teachers and researchers should consider when designing and implementing tasks for their telecollaborative exchanges based in a public primary English as a Foreign Language virtual learning classroom in Taipei.


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