  • 學位論文


Teacher and Student Role Redefinition in E-learning Environment:Use Grounded Theory

指導教授 : 游佳萍


網路教學中師生扮演的角色及其互動關係,對教學成效有莫大影響。本研究欲探討的是,網路教學活動中師生扮演的角色及其互動。研究對象為實際使用網路教學進行互動的八位網路教學教師,與二十九位網路教學學生進行深度訪談。透過紮根理論研究方式,找出網路教學中師生扮演的角色後,再發展建構出網路教學環境下之師生角色與互動模式。最後藉由科技框架理論中,科技造成組織改變的模式,描述網路教學師生所扮演之角色,與過去傳統扮演角色的差異。 本研究將訪談內容依紮根理論分析後發現,教學者在網路教學上,不止扮演教學者、管理者,與輔導者的角色,比起傳統教學更多了學習者與技術者的角色。而學習者在網路教學中,扮演的是雙向互動的學習者、提供他人知識的教學者、關心他人的輔導者、提供學習資源和自我進度的管理者,以及技術支援者。研究發現,老師與學生在網路教學中具有相同的角色。在教學、輔導,和學習角色上,他們在教學過程中,擁有相同的行為。但是老師與學生在管理和技術角色上則具有不同的行為。 本研究的貢獻在老師角色上,有助於網路教學教師了解他人對網路教師的期望,以降低未來發生角色衝突或角色模糊的可能性,並做為未來教學上的指導參考。在學生角色上,本研究也有助於參加網路教學之學習者了解,富彈性的網路教學裡,學生實際上可以具有多樣化角色,而不再是被動的學習者。


This research will determine teachers and students’ roles in an e-learning environment. We predict that teacher-student interaction in an e-learning environment will affect the study outcome. During our research, we interviewed eight teachers and twenty-night students who actively use the e-learning environment. Through the grounded theory research method, we discovered teacher and student roles, and then constructed the interaction model. Finally, we used the model of technology frame to describe teacher and student roles. After analysis using grounded theory, we found out teacher’s role as an instruct, a manager, a mentor, a learner and a technology specialist. The role of learner and technology specialist surpass traditional learning environment roles, as defind in recent literature. Students play the role of a learner who gives two-way interaction, an nstructora mentor, a technology specialist and a manger who provides learning resources, and controls the learning process. We discovered teachers and students have the same behavior in instructor, mentor and learner roles. However, they have different behavior in the manager and technology specialist roles. The contribution of this research on teacher’s roles is to help teachers realize others’ expectations so that they can reduce the posibility of role conflict and role ambiguity. This research also allows students to understand that they can play various roles and that they are not passive learners in an e-learning environment.


E-learning Role Technological Frame Grounded theory


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