  • 學位論文


The Study of Factors affecting Military Officers' Off-Duty Learning

指導教授 : 陳錫珍


本研究旨在探討國軍幹部公餘進修影響因素,採用問卷調查法為主要的研究方法,依據預試結果編製「國軍幹部公餘進修影響因素之研究調查問卷」。研究對象為國軍志願役軍、士官,採分層隨機抽樣方法,共計發放668份問卷,回收問卷為668份,有效問卷為593份,回收率為100%,可用率為88.77%。資料處理部分以SPSS for Window 12.0 中文套裝軟體為主,採用t 考驗、平均數、標準差、單因子變異分析等方法進行統計。本研究之重要發現如下: 一、國軍幹部公餘進修動機以「求知興趣」為最高,而「社會服務」相對較低。 二、不同背景變項之國軍幹部,其公餘進修動機在年齡、單位型態、教育程度及軍職服務年資上有差異存在。 三、國軍幹部參與公餘進修內容需求方面屬於高程度。 四、不同背景變項之國軍幹部,其公餘進修內容需求均無明顯差異。 五、國軍幹部參與公餘進修阻礙因素以「情境阻礙」為最高,而「意向阻礙」相對較低。 六、不同背景變項之國軍幹部,其公餘進修阻礙在年齡、單位型態及教育程度上有差異存在。 根據上述研究結論,本研究提出以下建議 一、對國防部的建議 (一)比照「教師進修獎勵辦法」,給與國軍幹部部分辦公時間進修,鼓勵其參與進修活動,以應付未來國軍部隊的變革與挑戰。 (二)提升國軍基層學習風氣,建構新時代的國軍勁旅。 (三)全面調查國軍幹部進修內容需求,進而協調教育行政主管機關,開設相關課程,以符實需。 (四)爭取大學校院合作,建立遠距教學體制。 二、對教育行政主管機關之建議 (一)放寬大學校院碩士在職專班進修條件,讓國軍幹部能有更多進修的選擇。 (二)重視國軍幹部公餘進修的重要性與需求性,定期調查國軍幹部進修需求與問題。 三、對國軍幹部之建議 (一)做好時間管理,充實自我知能,提升工作效率。 (二)主動積極參與公餘進修,以提升自我的職場競爭力。 四、對未來研究之建議 (一)在研究對象方面:可擴大研究樣本。 (二)在研究方法方面:可輔以訪談方式。 (三)在研究工具方面:針對國軍幹部重新編訂進修內容需求量表。


The purpose of this study was to explore factors affecting military officers' off-duty learning. Survey research methodology was used for data collection. A stratified random sample of 668 military officers' responded to the survey, and received 668 responses. The samples consisted of 593 military officers'. All the quantitative data was analyzed by SPSS/12.0 version. Descriptive (frequencies, means, and mean differences), one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and inferential statistics (t-test) were used for data analysis. The alpha level to determine statistical significance for the differences of the means was set at .05 level of significance. The major research findings were concluded from the study, including: 1. Most of the military officers' reported a high level of motivation in participating off-duty learning. 2. Factors affecting military officers' motivation for participating off-duty learning were related to different background variables such as age, unit types, education, and seniority. 3. Most of the military officers reported a high level of needs for participating in off-duty learning. 4. There were no significant differences in military officers' needs for participating in off-duty learning. 5. Most of the military officers perceived a middle level of barriers for participating in off-duty learning. 6. There were significant differences in military officers on the barriers for participating in off-duty learning based on age, unit types, and education. Finally, suggestions based on the above research findings were presented for Ministry of National Defense, education authorities, military officers and future researchers.


Candy, P.C.& Crebert,R.G.(1991). Lifelong learning: An enduring mandate for higher education. Higher Education Reserch and Development, p5-6.


