  • 學位論文


The Effect of Grouping Method between Face-to-Face and Online Synchronous Collaborative Learning on the Flow Experiences and Cooperative Learning's Attitudes of Learner’s use of Educational Mobile Game ──A Factor of Personality

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


教育性手機遊戲因為近幾年來智慧型手機的普及性,下載率大幅提升。而根據文獻探討,採取遊戲式學習時,具有學習夥伴會更有學習成效。有效且成功的合作學習,是能夠喚醒學生在學習上的需求動機,並提高學生的學習自我意識概念,促進態度與價值觀目標的達成。而當學習者的技術與挑戰達到平衡的時候,則可以進入心流狀態,而藉由使用遊戲式學習所產生的心流會使學習者產生成就感,並使之達到高峰體驗。不同人格所產生其獨特的學習風格,其互動的模式會因其人格影響,皆會影響合作學習的成效與心流的差異。 故本研究以大學生為受試對象,共有180人,分為四組,分別為異質人格分組面對面模式,異質人格分組網路同步模式,同質人格分組面對面模式,同質人格分組網路同步模式。根據分組方式使用教育性手機遊戲20分鐘後,填寫心流問卷與合作態度問卷。本研究採取人格分組之依據為五大人格,分為同質與異質人格,合作模式分為網路同步合作以及面對面合作模式。使用之教育性手機遊戲為問答RPG魔法使與黑貓維茲。本研究旨在探討不同的合作模式及人格分組方式對於學習者使用教育性手機遊戲之心流及合作態度的影響,以提供未來教學者採取合作模式分組使用教育性手機遊戲之參考。 本研究結果如下: 一、不同合作模式及人格分組方式對於心流的影響沒有顯著差異 二、不同的合作模式及人格分組對於合作態度有影響 三、合作態度中,異質人格分組面對面模式最優,其次為同質人格分組網路模式,再來為同質人格分組面對面模式,最後為異質人格分組網路同步模式。 本研究提出以下建議: 一、採取網路合作模式時,遊戲關卡時間拉長。 二、異質人格分組更為嚴謹。 三、增加排名與獎勵機制。


Due to the popularity of smart phones in recent years, the download amount of educational mobile games has increased significantly. According to the literature, having learning partners will have more learning outcomes in game based learning. Effective and successful cooperative learning can awaken students’ needs for learning, improve students' self-awareness learning concepts, and promote the realization of attitudes and values. When the learner’s skills and challenges are balanced, they can enter the flow state. The flow experiences created through the use of game-based learning can create a sense of accomplishment for learners and allow them to reach peak experiences. Different personalities produce their unique learning styles. The interactive models will be influenced by the personalities. Their interactive models will affect the effectiveness of cooperative learning and the difference in the flow experiences . Therefore, this study took college students as research objects, a total of 180 people were divided into four groups were respectively different-type personality group face-to-face mode, different-type personality group online synchronous mode, same-type personality group face-to-face mode, same-type personality group online synchronous mode. 20 minutes after using educational mobile games,they were asked to fill in the cooperation attitude and the flow experiences questionnaire. The basis for the personality grouping in this study is five types, which is divided into same-type and different-type group. The cooperation model is divided into online synchronization cooperation and face-to-face cooperation. Use of educational mobile game is Quiz RPG: The World of Mystic Wiz. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of different cooperate mode and personality grouping methods on leaners’ use of educational movile games in the flow experiences and cooperative learning's attitudes, the study provided the suggestions for future educators using educational mobile games by cooperative models to group. Study results are summarized as below: 1. There are no significant difference in the effect of different cooperation modes and personality grouping methods on the flow experiences 2. There are statistically significant differences in the effect of different cooperation modes and personality grouping methods on cooperative learning's attitudes 3. In a cooperative attitude, different-type personality group face-to-face mode is the best, same-type personality group online synchronous mode is second of all,third same-type personality group face-to-face mode, the worst is different-type personality group online synchronous mode. The following suggestions were made for the future practice and research: 1. When you use the network cooperation mode, game time can be elongated. 2. The grouping of different-type personality must be more rigorous. 3. Increase rankings and incentives in educational mobile games.


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