  • 學位論文


The Study of Usage Patterns in a Secondhand Textbook Network Platform – A Case of College Textbooks

指導教授 : 歐陽崇榮


隨著環保意識抬頭,書籍的重複再利用是環保的一個重要課題,當資訊不斷的推陳出新,書籍更新的速度就愈來愈快。書籍雖是人們吸收、儲存資訊的一種途徑,但是資訊更換的速度太快,往往令消費者在書籍方面的花費愈來愈昂貴。網路二手書店秉持著「環保意識抬頭,重複利用書籍是環保的一個典範」的環保精神應聲興起。 大專學生為二手書店的主要消費族群,其購買書籍以教科書為主,在二手書的交流上不得不正視教科書這個大宗,而教科書交流上又不得忽略學生這個消費族群。綜合以上,得知影響二手教科書網路交流因素應是重要課題,   本研究主要探討個人心理因素、,平台屬性因素、書籍屬性因素是否會影響消費者使用二手教科書平台的使用意願,本研究採用網路問卷收集資料,有效樣本365份,並以SPSS 23.0 進行問卷信度、人口統計變數分析及以路徑分析驗證研究模式。 研究結果發現個人心理因素、,平台屬性因素、書籍屬性因素與消費者使用二手教科書平台的使用意願之問有正向的顯著影響;本研究更進一步分析個人心理因素構面中的學習態度、平台屬性因素中的系統品質、服務品質以及書籍屬性因素構面中的書籍價格、書籍品質對消費者使用意願最具有影響,平台提供者可以強化其功能,藉以提升消費者使用意願。


With the rise of environmental awareness, book reuse becomes an important issue, especially when the information is changed constantly, so does the book update. Although the book is a way for people to get and store information, fast-pace information update makes consumers spend more and more on books. The Internet Second-hand Bookstore rises with the spirit of environmental awareness and makes reuse of books as a model of environmental protection. As the college students are major consumer groups of second-hand bookstore, the books they shop more are textbooks. Therefore, the resource of second-hand books has to focus on the textbooks especially when it comes to the network exchanging markets. This study mainly discusses the factors of individual psychology, internet attributes, books' attributes and which affect the consumer's willingness to use second-hand textbook platform. This study has collected 365 valid samples by using the online questionnaire. Meanwhile, this study conducts reliability survey, demographic variables analysis and path analysis to verify the research model with SPSS 23.0. According to this study, the factors of individual psychology, internet attributes, books' attributes have significant positive impacts on consumer's willingness to use second-hand textbook platform. This study further analyzed that learning attitude of individual psychological facets, attitude of system quality in the platform, service quality as well as book prices and quality in the attributes of books' facets have the most influential factors on consumer willingness to use the second-hand textbook platform. Therefore, platform providers can strengthen its functions, in order to enhance consumer willingness to use.


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