  • 學位論文


An Analysis between Sinjhuang Jhong-Gang Drainage Channel of Scenario Workshop and the Formation of Collaborative Network

指導教授 : 陳恆鈞


本研究主要以新莊中港大排之願景工作坊為例,探討在該項計畫推動過程中,主要參與者經由互動,所形成的協力網絡。在中港大排整治計畫推動過程中,政府開放不同的管道,俾利人民參與,同時透過說明會與實地參與,讓市民(市民代表、地方團體)以及縣府代表進行資訊與意見交流,激發新莊市的發展潛能。 本文主要探究新莊市民在政策執行過程中是否能夠接近相關資訊,進而與相關參與者建立關係密切的網絡關係。主要研究問題如下:(1)在「中港大排河廊改造計畫之願景工作坊」中,公私雙方協力合作的行動,有哪些要素涉入其中?(2)在「中港大排河廊改造計畫之願景工作坊」中,公私雙方協力合作的行動,影響要素之間的關係為何? 本文採質性與量化研究途徑,透過文獻分析、深度訪談與社會網絡分析法的方析,以了解參與者對於該議題之看法,並釐清各行動者之間的互動關係為何。同時據以分析:初始條件、制度安排、領導方式、協力要素構面間,對協力關係影響等,皆是造成行動者在參與互動上交錯關係發生之原因。 研究結果顯示如下:(1)代表初始條件的包括對資源分配的看法、本身過去的經歷與背景,以及對這個議題關心的程度,網絡成員的態度其實有一定的落差;(2)從協力制度的參與,及能否對制度中的內容有所了解,乃至對於是否尊重該制度的運作看來,協力網絡制度的成形已經有了一個開端;(3)彼此間的授權、是否達到公平,及透明度的展現,仍有待調整以達成更好的效果;(4)在協力基礎觀念上,溝通的順暢度、信任的程度,以及彼此間是否具有相同的認知並且積極投入,從網絡中可看出這些觀念已經逐漸在成員之間發展。


This research is using the scenario workshop of Jhong-Gang Drainage Channel as an example to analyze the relationship among the mainly actors in collaborative network. In the process of improving Jhong-Gang Drainage Channel, the government opened different channels let citizens participate in the improvement. By way of explanation, devotion, and discussion with Sinjhuang citizen (including Sinjhuang city representatives and other local groups) and Taipei county representatives, therefore, people are able to understand the improvement possibility of Jhong-Gang Drainage Channel and development potential of Sinjhuang city. This research is mainly to explore weather people can get information in the process of executing the policy and set up the inseparable working relationship. The main discussing questions are as follows:(1) in the “scenario workshop of Jhong-Gang Drainage Channel Corridor Plan“, what are the elements involved in them? (2) in the “scenario workshop of Jhong-Gang Drainage Channel Corridor Plan“, what is the relationship among the elements? Qualitative and quantitative methods are used in this research. To understand the participants’ viewpoints concerning this topic by analyzing documents, depth interview, and Social Network Analysis and to make clear about the interaction relationship. According to the analysis, the starting conditions, the institutional arrangement, the leadership style, and affection of collaborative network elements of different aspects for the collaborative relationship will let participants show different behaviors in participation and interaction relationships. The main findings are following: (1) On the starting conditions, including views on the allocation of resources, their own past experiences and background, as well as the degree of concern for this issue, members of the network have a certain attitude of the gap; (2) From the participation of collaborative system, and whether the contents of the system to understand and even respect for the operation of the system, the collaborative network forming system has a beginning; (3) The authorization, whether fair, and transparency of the show has yet to be adjusted to achieve better results, and (4) Using the concept of collaborative are basis, the smooth communication, the degree of confidence, as well as have the same cognitive and active participate the network weather they have been gradually developing among its members.




