  • 學位論文


Interpretation and Reinterpretation of Wang Bi's Ontology

指導教授 : 曾昭旭


本書共為七章,除緒論及結論外,現展開如下: 第二章〈王弼老子學現代詮釋與展開〉。現代詮釋《老子》以及王弼的系統中,能涵具整全性、一致性的並持論清新精妙而自成一家之言者,有湯用彤、牟宗三與袁保新三人。本章嘗試探究三人建構《老子》以至於王弼的哲學體系,並在這些「不同的理解」中判議何體系對應王弼道論較能貼適道論本懷。 第三章〈王弼道論存有之重衡〉,筆者企圖迹索袁保新先生調適上遂牟宗三「老子學」的問題意識,反省牟先生平義王弼「老子學」以至於道家義理為「境界型態的形上學」而產生的疑慮處。以為王弼「道」依然有其客觀性,是一規範生命本真無妄之價值理序,一無時引領生命開顯真樸的意義根源,而「道」與「道心」之間為彼此相互隸屬,又涵具著「存有論的差異」之不即不離。 第四章〈王弼道論系統的重建〉,由挺立王弼道論「體無用有」的骨幹復開闢血肉,嘗試為王弼道論系統作一完整性、一致性的詮釋工作,吾人更藉由研討分疏子題而凝成全面系統之重建。分疏子題為: 一、「性體沖和,情應哀樂」:「情」在王弼道論中實與「氣」等同,皆涵具著適悅感通,物我、道我相契玄冥,復歸於「通天下之一氣」的義涵。王弼理解聖人的「觀照」是適應每個殊異的生命實存,從感通潤覺的「同情」中輔導生命棄造偽,推誠情,進而體覺本真自性。 二、王弼「體用」義之詮定:王弼使用「體用」實與宋明理學甚至是當代哲學的「體用」涵意不同,吾人今判議王弼無論《老子注》抑或《周易注》,「體」皆為「體性」義——指涉一物的「內容」、「質性」、「德性」,而「道」依然有其豐盈無窮的「體性」。 三、決勝圓聖諦義——「崇本」與「冥本」:本節我們試圖廓清學界爭執王弼道論圓成義究竟應落處於「崇本息末」還是「崇本舉末」的障霧。認為:「崇本舉末」與「崇本息末」實是互文足義。如有些微差異,只是輔嗣注解《老子》時,對「體用」兩端實踐進路不同觀點與著意處而產生論述上的殊別。又一言蔽之道論圓勝諦義,並不能執淖在都屬於「分別說」的「崇本息末」與「崇本舉末」上,而應歸極於「玄默無有」的「冥本」中。 第五章〈王弼《周易注》詮釋學〉,吾人援引曾昭旭先生創發的「儒道互為體用」的詮釋方法,闡釋王弼詮釋《周易》,實是將道家義理作為「本質原理」,而把儒家義理當作「實現原理」——藉由儒家據仁誠身之道德實踐而證成道家無為而治之理境。 第六章〈漢魏思潮斷裂之縫補——王弼道論「宇宙生成論」義蘊〉,王弼《老子注》與《周易注》中顯豁的「不生之生」亦含具著「氣化」的義蘊。「道」的開顯,卻又是生命持守真性之「陽」,發露於情用、凝具之「陰」中而濟成自我價值,此「負陰而抱陽,沖氣以為和」的流行歷程,實表詮了一相續性、連續性的一氣充盈之流行。 附錄〈王弼「言意之辨」解〉,主要反省當代詮釋於王弼「言意之辨」上,總將〈明象〉所言之「意」與〈老子指略〉所論述的「道」混同為一。吾人認為,輔嗣〈明象〉篇指稱的「意」,是指〈乾〉、〈坤〉等六十四諸卦的卦義,屬於殊理,而〈老子指略〉所論「名號則大失其旨,稱謂則未盡其極」的「道」,則是無形不繫,常不可名的整全之理」。兩者實有著「存有論」的差異。王弼「言意之辨」中依然承襲了《老子》「始制有名」的思維,是「化育萬物的形上之道在人間的落實與運用」,更強調「道」必因憑於「形名」本真開展中,始能將其靈明彰顯開來。


王弼 老子注 周易注 體用 氣化


There are seven chapters in this paper. Except the introduction and the conclusion, the content of the paper is as follows: The second chapter, " Wang Bi’s Modern Interpretation on Lauzi’s Philosophy”. With integrity and consistency, Tang Yong-Tong, Mou Zong-San, Yuan Bao-Shin express the most exquisite and original view about Wang Bi's interpretion on Lauzi’s Philosophy. In this chapter we try to explore the above three person’s theories and evaluate which one conforms to Wang Bi's Ontology best. In the third chapter “the Re-examination on Wang Bi's Ontology”, the author attempts to look into Yuan Bao-Shin’s doubt about Mou’s interpretation on Wang Bi's Ontology, which is“metaphysics in the line of vision(境界型態的形上學)” .Mou thinks there is objectivity in “Dao”. It’s the value defining innocence life. “Dao” and mind belong to each other, which means “ontological difference”. In the fourth chapter "the Reinterpretation of Wang Bi's Ontology”, we attempt to interpret Wang Bi's Ontology completely and consistently based on “Tiyong(體用)”. It’s described as follows: 1、Human beings are pure but moody. Mood is equal to “Chi(氣)”, both refer to the harmony in human interaction. Through caring for each other, the individuals blend into the universe. Wang Bi thought that the “Guanxao” of saints is aimed to understand every different person and sympathize with them. 2、An Interpretation of Wang Bi's Tiyong:Wang Bi’s Tiyong is different from the Confucianism in Song Ming Dynasty and the modern philosophy. We think, “Ti(體)” is defined as the content, the substance, and the virtue in the commentary on Lauzi and Zhouyi.”Dao” is infinite and abundant in its nature. 3、“Zhongben(崇本)” and “Mingben(冥本)”—Which one is the sublime state? We judge that “zhong ben qi mo(崇本息末)” is the same as “zhong ben ju mo(崇本舉末)”. However, if we try to judge the sublime state in Wang Bi's Ontology, the term “Mingben(冥本)” should be referred to it. The fifth chapter, “Wang Bi’s Commentary on Zhouyi”, applies “ru dao hu ui ti yong(儒道互為體用)” developed by Zeng Zhao-Xu to interpret Wang Bi’s Commentary on Zhouyi. We think Taoism’s “governing by doing nothing against nature” is proven by Confucianism’s “practicing morality” in the Commentary on Zhouyi. The sixth chapter is “To Bridge the Gap Between Han and Wei Jin Ideological Orientation—Cosmogony in Wang Bi’s Metaphysics”. There is Cosmogony in the concept “bu sheng zh sheng(不生之生)” in the Commentary on Lauzi and Zhouyi. In the appendix “Wang Bi’s explanations on the relation between truth and language”, we believe that no truth is interpreted without language.



