  • 學位論文


Exploring the Effects of Game-based Learning on Students' Logical Reasoning Ability

指導教授 : 吳純萍 李世忠




Problem solving is a series of cognition process. During the processes, the individual would organize and elaborate knowledge they already have to a new scheme while giving them a puzzle. In all types of problem, logical problem is the most basic and important. The individual must have the ability of solving logical problem before solving all types of problem, the ability called logical reasoning ability, and it makes the ability more important. According to related research, game is an effective tool to excite learner, it provided an opportunity to analyzing, reasoning, and making decision. Through the result of conducting that decision, the learner could examine if the decision made by themself is effective. Above all, it has some potential benefits that learners enhance logical reasoning ability by game-based learning. This research based on the concept of basic program logic, design and develop a game-based learning mode that including 3D escaping game and machine car game. This study explores if learner can generate logical reasoning process by operating game mission, generate their behavior to finish game mission, and migrate to the test of basic program logic. This study adopted quasi-experimental research, samples of this study were 84 first grade students in New Taipei City. They were divided into experimental group 1 and experimental group 2, participated in two game-based learnings: straight scaffolding and questionable scaffolding. This study messureed the difference between group 1 and group 2 of game achievement in escaping game, machine car game. The results of research finding are: there are no significant finding in game achievement of 3D escaping game between group 1 and group 2. But in the achievement of machine car game and in the test of basic program logic, the group 1 performs significantly better than the group 2. This study suggests that the design of scaffolding must be clear and straightforward to help learner to engage in the process of logical reasoning. Based on the result, this research concludes the importance of scaffolding design in instructal game-based learning.


Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191.
