  • 學位論文


Evaluating the Impacts of an Emission Control Program on Air Quality

指導教授 : 江旭程


空氣品質模式是空氣品質管制系統中重要工具,本研究針對空氣品質模式應用於新污染源評估或排放權交易時,所產生的一些問題進行探討。本研究模擬連續一個月在台灣中部的光化學空氣污染。空氣品質模式採用Environ公司發展的CAMx模式,而氣象輸入資料使用RAMS模式進行模擬;並根據USEPA所建議的標準,對於氣象模擬和地面污染濃度的結果與實際的監測值相互比較,模擬的結果十分合理。 本研究選擇大型的火力發電廠作為排放源,排放源對於臭氧事件日並不會有太大的改變,然而新污染源對光化學污染所造成的最壞影響可能發生在不是臭氧事件日的期間。所以建議新污染源評估必需要有長時間的模擬,要包含事件日和非事件日。如果改變發電廠的位置,即使總排放量不變,臭氧濃度範圍將會改變。本研究結果顯示在光化學污染管理中採用排放權交易應用在光化學污染管理中,還是必須配合空氣品質模式的模擬。


The air quality model is an important tool in air quality management system. In this study we investigate the problems associated with the application of air quality models to new source evaluation and emission trading program. In this study, a one-month continuous simulation of photochemical air pollution in central Taiwan was carried out. The air quality model used in this study is CAMx developed by Environ and the required meteorological inputs were generated by RAMS model. The results of meteorological simulations and ground-level pollutant concentrations were compared with observations. The performances of simulation are very reasonable when they were judged by the criteria suggested by USEPA. The emissions from a large power plant were selected for case study. The emission form this sources may not alter the dates of ozone episodes, however, the worst impact on the photochemical pollution caused by this source may occur during the no-episode days determined by using exist sources. This suggests that a longer simulation period, including episode days as well as non-episode days, is necessary for new source evaluation. If the location of this power plant was changed, the ozone concentration field will be altered even the total emission rate was kept constant. This indicates that the application of emission trading program to photochemical pollution management should be used together with air quality simulations.


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