  • 學位論文


Effectiveness of physical fitness exercise to improve lower limb muscle strength and balance among elderly in community C tier care base of long-term care policy 2.0

指導教授 : 李淑杏


研究背景:隨著台灣高齡人口增加,政府於2016年9月通過「長期照顧十年計畫2.0」政策,長照巷弄照護C據點,讓高齡人口能有更貼近鄰里的健康促進場域。老年人下肢肌力與平衡能力攸關日常生活能力,下肢肌力與平衡較差,容易造成老年人口跌倒、失能甚至死亡。 研究目的:本研究探討體適能運動介入社區長照C據點65歲以上老人其下肢肌力與平衡之成效。 研究設計:本研究採類實驗性研究設計。 研究方法:於2020.9-11月期間,以中台灣某縣市兩個性質相近之社區長照C據點65歲以上老人為對象,簡單隨機分成實驗組及對照組。本研究收案60位實驗組30位、對照組30位。 實驗組與對照組完成前測,實驗組給予體適能每週2次每次50分鐘之運動介入,控制組依常規活動課程,兩組並於第4週、8週、12週進行後測。研究最後階段,實驗組流失1位,對照組流失2位,完成率為95%。 資料進行編碼,再以SPSS 19.0版進行統計分析;敘述性與推論性分析含X2 test, t test, Mann-Whitney U test, repeated ANOVA 與 GEE。 結果:本研究對象平均年齡71.6±4.6歲,實驗組與對照組人口學資料、生活型態與疾病特性同質性高。體適能運動介入後實驗組比對照組於第4、8、12週之肌力與平衡皆有顯著提升(p<.05)。以GEE模式檢定,影響老人肌力的因素為: 男性、年齡及體適能運動介入;影響老人平衡的因素為: 年齡及體適能運動介入,達統計上顯著意義(p<.05)。 結論:本研究透由體適能介入皆提升老人肌力與平衡,本研究實驗實證數據結果可提供後續長照據點之課程運用,配合政府長照2.0政策,於社區的據點強化長者肌力與平衡提供課程參考。


Background: With the increase in the elderly population in Taiwan, the government adopted the "Long-term Care Ten-Year Plan 2.0" policy in September 2016 to provide long-term care for alleys and lanes to the C base, so that the elderly can have a health promotion field closer to the neighborhood. The muscle strength and balance of the elderly are related to the ability of daily living. The muscle strength and balance of the lower limbs are poor, which can easily cause the elderly to fall, disable or even die. Aim: This study explores the effectiveness of physical fitness intervention in the lower limb muscle strength and balance of elderly people over 65 years old in the community long-term C base. Design: Quasi-experiment study. Methods:During the period from January to November in 2020.9-November, elderly people over 65 years old from two similar communities in a county and city in Central Taiwan were selected as subjects, and they were simply randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. In this study, 30 elderly people were admitted in the experimental group and 30 elderly were admitted in the control group. Totally 60 subjects participated in the project. Both the experimental group and the control group completed the pre-test. The experimental group was given physical fitness twice a week for 50 minutes of exercise intervention. The control group only followed the regular activity course. The two groups were subjected to post-tests in the 4th, 8th, and 12th weeks. In the final stage of the study, the experimental group lost 1 place and the control group lost 2 places, with a completion rate of 95%. The data was coded, and then statisticaliy analysis were performed with SPSS 19.0 version. Descriptive and inferential analysis including the X2 test, t test, Mann-Whitney U test, repeated ANOVA and GEE were performed. Results:The average age of the subjects in this study was 71.6±4.6 years, and the demographic data, lifestyle and disease characteristics of the experimental group and the control group were nearly homogenous. After physical fitness intervention, the experimental group had significantly improved muscle strength and balance compared with those of the control group at the 4th, 8th, and 12th week (p<.05). In the GEE model test, the factors affecting the muscle strength of the elderly were: male, age, and physical fitness intervention, the factors affecting the balance of the elderly were: age, physical fitness intervention, which is statistically significant (p <.05). Conclusions:This interventionresearch improves the muscle strength and balance of the elderly through physical fitness intervention. The empirical data of this research can provide follow-up courses for the long-term care base. In conjunction with the government's long-term care 2.0 policy, it can strengthen the muscle strength and balance of the elderly in the community Course reference.


內政部統計處(2018).105 年底人口結構分析。https://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/news_detail.aspx?sn=13742https://www.moi.gov.tw/files/site_node_file/6469/week10603.pdf
