  • 學位論文


Research on the Correlation between Local Identity and Life Adaptation: Take the Residents of Long-term Care Facilities as an Example

指導教授 : 邱怡玟


研究目的:臺灣已進入高齡國家,許多老年人因失能無法自理生活、需依賴他人照顧,若家庭資源或照顧人力不足、即可能遷居機構照顧。本研究目的旨在瞭解機構住民對機構認同、生活適應之相關性,期能提供更好的服務品質,協助長者安享餘年。 研究方法:以便利取樣方式,選取雲林縣長期照護機構住民為研究對象,本研究共收案120人;採自擬之地方認同量表和經授權使用之生活適應量表調查,使用Likert 計分法,分數越高代表地方認同和生活適應越好;統計方法採SPSS 22.0套裝軟體進行描述性和推論性統計分析。 研究結果:機構住民男女人數相近,平均年齡78.8歲;地方認同平均47.7分,為中等程度,以對機構歸屬感的認同最佳,而參與感最差;生活適應為中上程度,平均79.6分,以對機構照護管理的適應最佳,而生活與輔具適應最差。入住機構時間、日常活動功能和慢性疾病診斷數與地方認同有顯著差異,慢性疾病診斷數則與生活適應有顯著差異。 研究結論:本研究可做為機構提升照護品質的參考,建議機構應舉辦多元活動,促進住民間互動和參與,適度區隔臨終空間,並提供合宜的輔具、給予住民生活上更多的自主控制權,以加強其地方認同和生活適應。


Objective: Taiwan has entered a country of advanced age. Many Taiwanese were unable to take care of themselves due to disability and need to rely on others to take care of them. If family resources or caregiver manpower were insufficient, they might move to long-term care facilities for assistance. This study aimed to understand the relevance of long-term care facilities residents to local identify and life adaptation, so as to provide better service quality and help the elderly to enjoy the rest of the year. Research Methods: In a convenient sampling method, residents of long-term care facilities in Yunlin County were selected as the research objects. A total of 120 people were admitted in this study. The surveys were collected from the local identity scale and the authorized life adaptation scale.Using the Likert scoring method, the higher the score, the better the local identity and life adaptation.The statistical method adopted the SPSS 22.0 software package for descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Results: There were similar numbers of male and female residents of the long-term care facility, with an average age of 78.8 years old.The average score of local identity was 47.7 points, which was a medium level. The identity with the sense of belonging was the best, while the sense of participation was the worst; the life adaptation was medium-to-high, with an average of 79.6 points. Among the four aspects of life adaptation, the adaptation to care management was the best, while the adaptation to life and assistive devices was the worst. There were significant differences between the time of staying in long-term care facilities, daily activities, and the number of chronic diseases diagnosed with local identity, while the number of chronic diseases diagnosed with life adaptation was significantly different. Conclusion: This research could be used as a reference for long-term care facilities to improve the quality of care. It is suggested that long-term care facilities should organize multiple activities to promote interaction and participation among residents, appropriately separate the end-of-life space, provide suitable assistive devices, and give residents more autonomy and control over their lives to strengthen their local identity and life adaptation.


一、 中文部份
中華民國統計資料網(2021,4月30日).國情統計通報(行政院主計總處第 197 號)。https://eng.stat.gov.tw/public/data/dgbas03/bs2/gender/Analysis/Population%20Marriage%20and%20Family/107%E5%B9%B49%E6%9C%88%E5%BA%95%E8%80%81%E5%B9%B4%E4%BA%BA%E5%8F%A3%E6%95%B8%E7%82%BA338.2%E8%90%AC%E4%BA%BA%EF%BC%8C%E5%8D%A0%E7%B8%BD%E4%BA%BA%E5%8F%A314.3%EF%BC%85.pdf
