  • 學位論文


Impact on antibiotic resistance after modified antibiotic stewardship bundle in a community hospital

指導教授 : 魏正宗


摘要 研究目的 醫療院所的抗生素管理,對於有限醫療資源的保護和對抗多重抗藥性細菌都相當的重要。我們分析探討一家社區醫院因組合式抗生素管理系統建置的前後對於細菌抗藥性的影響。 研究方法 我們連續性觀察一家地區型醫院。自2013年1月後抗生素管理系統的介入,包含:核心管理團隊的建立,院內使用指引建置,醫療人員教育訓練,以及抗生素資訊審核系統。我們進一步計算介入前區間2012年1月1日至2012年12月31日,以及介入後區間2014年1月1日至2014年12月31日,所有類別抗生素的使用量,抗生素藥物費用,平均住院天數,死亡率,以及細菌對抗生素敏感性變化的分析。 結果 本研究結果顯示,某社區醫院依據機構的特性,而推行組合式抗生素管理系統。可以達到大部分管制性抗生素的減少使用,雖然對平均住院天數及全原因死亡率未達統計學上有意義的影響,但是對於總抗生素藥費有統計學上有意義的下降,達10.1%(p=0.009),且多種細菌對抗生素敏感性的改善,包括Escherichia coli對Amikacin的敏感性(74.8%  92.0%,p<0.001);Kleibsella pneumoniae對Ceftriaxone(55.9% 67.2%,p=0.039),Piperacillin/tazobactam(60.0% 67.2%,p=0.017),Ciprofloxacin(49.7% 65.5%,p<0.001),Amikacin(76.8%  90.8%,p<0.001);Acinetobacter baumannii對Ciprofloxacin(5.3%  16.0%,p<0.001)及Imipenem/cilastatin(16.3% 36.2%,p<0.001)。而格蘭性陽性菌部分,亦觀察到Staphylococcus aureus對Oxacillin(29%  37%,p=0.013)及Gentamicin(40.6%  66.8%,p<0.001)的敏感性也有改善的狀況。 結論 依機構特性推行組合式抗生素管理系統管理,可以有效減少廣效性抗生素的使用,進而減少抗生素總藥費,和改善細菌對抗生素的敏感性。 關鍵字 管制性抗生素;抗生素管理;多重抗藥性細菌;抗生素敏感性


Abstract Objective : Antibiotic stewardship programs in hospitals are important for restricted resource protection and against multiple-drug resistant bacteria. We analyzed the impaction before and after the interventions of modified antibiotic stewardship bundles in a community hospital. Methods and Materials : We continuously observed the impaction of antibiotics stewardship bundle interventions in a community hospital since January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014. The antibiotic stewardship bundle interventions were performed since January 1, 2013. The bundles included construction of a team work, institution specific guidelines, education, and an antibiotic preauthorization system. We calculated the antibiotic consumptions and costs of all categories, average inpatient duration, all-cause mortality and antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria. Results : The results showed that significantly decreased restricted antibiotic consumptions and total antibiotic cost ( 10.1%, p=0.009 ). Antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria also improved significantly, including Escherichia coli to Amikacin (74.8%  92.0%, p<0.001); Ceftriaxone (55.9% 67.2%, p=0.039), Piperacillin/tazobactam (60.0% 67.2%, p=0.017), Ciprofloxacin (49.7% 65.5%, p<0.001), Amikacin (76.8%  90.8%, p<0.001); Acinetobacter baumannii to Ciprofloxacin (5.3%  16.0%, p<0.001) and Imipenem/cilastatin (16.3% 36.2%, p<0.001). About staphylococcus aureus, susceptibility to Oxacillin (29%  37%, p=0.013) and Gentamicin(40.6%  66.8%, p<0.001) also increased significantly. Conclusion : Institution specific antibiotic stewardship bundle interventions may resulted in decreased consumption of broad spectrum antibiotics, decreased cost of total antibiotics, and improved antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria between preintervention period and postintervention period. Key words: Restricted antibiotic; antibiotic stewardship program; multiple-drug resistant bacteria; antibiotic susceptibility.


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