  • 學位論文


Effect of Intelligent Education Intervention on The Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior Intention of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

指導教授 : 黃正宜


研究背景:缺血性心臟疾病是全球死亡的頭號原因,冠狀動脈缺血性疾病要獲得良好控制,需要病人對自我健康狀況瞭解,護理衛教在臨床照護實務中扮演著重要角色。運用行動科技提供衛教,對個案的冠狀動脈血管性疾病知識、態度與行為意向的成效值得關注。 研究目的:探討智能衛教方案對冠狀動脈血管疾病患者的疾病知識、態度、行為意向之成效。 研究方法:本研究為類實驗型研究,採立意取樣,分為實驗組與對照組。研究場所為中部某醫學中心臟內科病房,選取冠狀動脈血管疾病患者為研究對象。研究工具包括智能衛教方案,與冠狀動脈疾病知識、冠狀動脈疾病態度及冠狀動脈疾病行為量表。於衛教介入前、後以量表進行測量。收案期間為從2020年2月至2020年12月,為期十個月,研究資料以SPSS 22.0版進行資料統計分析,以描述性統計及t檢定進行兩組間之差異比較。 研究結果:本研究共收案70位患者,研究結果發現,實驗組及對照組兩組進行前、後測比較,實驗組知識方面得分由19.23上升到27.20,達顯著差異(P < 0.000),對照組知識方面得分由19.09上升到20.37亦呈顯著差異(P = 0.031);實驗組態度方面得分由60.11上升到66.00,達顯著差異(P < 0.000),對照組態度方面得分由59.29上升到59.80,未達顯著差異(P = 0.191)。實驗組行為意向方面得分由79.66上升到90.26,達顯著差異(P < 0.000),對照組行為意向方面得分由78.80上升到79.62,未達顯著差異(P = 0.199)。進一步分析兩組衛教介入後行為意向得分改變量,實驗組行為意向總分增加量(10.60分)高於對照組(0.83分)(P < 0.000)。 結論:因近年來智能衛教的普及性及方便性,智能衛教結合床邊照護系統已運用於臨床實務照護中,冠狀動脈血管性疾病患者運用智能衛教方式,藉由評估提供即時衛教資訊,住院期間病人可由床邊照護系統上獲得相關資訊,並可依照個別性選擇專屬的衛教內容,提供QR Code持續留存,不僅能提升病人對疾病知識的了解,態度改變,行為意向也增強。


冠狀動脈 智能衛教 知識 態度 行為意向


Background: Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world. For coronary vascular disease to be well controlled, patients need to understand their health status. Nursing and health education play an essential role in clinical care practices. Using mobile technology to provide health education, the effectiveness of knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions of patients with coronary artery disease is worthy of attention. Objective: Discuss the effect of the intelligent health education program on patients' disease knowledge, attitude, and behavior intention with coronary artery disease. Research method: This study is a quasi-experimental study with convenience sampling divided into experimental and control groups. The research site is the cardiology ward of a medical center in Central Taiwan. Research tools include intelligent health education programs, and scale of coronary artery disease knowledge, attitudes, and behavior intention scales. Before and after the intelligent health education program, participants were asked to complete scale. The research data is statistically analyzed using SPSS 22.0 version, and descriptive statistics and t-test compare the difference between the two groups. Result:A total of 70 patients was recruited in this study. The study showed that the scale score of experimental and control groups before and after the test. The experimental group's cognitive score rose from 19.23 to 27.20, reaching a significant difference (P<0.000). The control group's cognition There was also a significant difference in the aspect score from 19.09 to 20.37 (P=0.031); the experimental group's attitude score rose from 60.11 to 66.00, which reached a significant difference (P<0.000), and the control group's attitude score rose from 59.29 to 59.80, which was not reached significant difference (P=0.191). The behavioral intention score of the experimental group rose from 79.66 to 90.26, which reached a significant difference (P<0.000), and the behavioral intention score of the control group rose from 78.80 to 79.62, which did not reach a significant difference (P=0.199). After further analysis of the changes in the behavioral intention scores of the two groups after the intervention of health education, the total increase in behavioral intention scores of the experimental group (10.60 points) was higher than that of the control group (0.83 points). Conclusion:Due to the popularity and convenience of intelligent health education in recent years, intelligent health education combined with bedside care systems has been used in clinical practice care. Patients with coronary artery disease use intelligent health education methods to provide real-time health education information through evaluation. During the hospitalization, patients can obtain relevant information from the bedside care system, select content according to their individuality, and provide QR Codes for continuous retention, which can improve the patient's understanding of disease knowledge, change attitudes, and enhance behavioral intentions.


