  • 學位論文


The Effects of Brisk Walking Intervention on Physical Fitness of the Community-dwelling Elderly with Chronic illness.

指導教授 : 袁素娟


研究背景:世界衛生組織估計2025年全球老年人口約12億,而老化疾病與運動飲食密切相關,透過體能活動和熱量限制可加以控制,老人研究也發現運動頻率高會增加幸福感,建議長者採漸進增強的規律運動。 目的:探討十二週規律健走介入社區慢性病老人後對體適能的影響。 研究方法:採類實驗性研究設計、立意取樣,對象為中台灣某社區慢性病老人,研究期間102年8月至103年4月,此次體適能檢測共66人,分為健走組34人、對照組32人,規律健走介入共12週、5次/週、30分鐘/次或每週共150分鐘,對照組維持原本日常活動,12週前後分別測量老人功能性體適能,包括:握力、連續坐椅站立測驗、兩分鐘踏步、抓背測驗、2.44公尺繞物測驗 、及坐椅體前伸等六項,以SPSS 19.0 for Windows統計軟體進行分析,方法為次數、百分比、平均值、標準差、配對t檢定和一般線性模式之單變量分析。 結果:社區慢性病老人健走組在兩分鐘踏步與坐椅體前伸兩項在統計上有顯著進步(p < .05),2分鐘內的踏步進步達16.62步、坐椅體前伸多於1公分,其它體適能表現未達統計上顯著差異,對照組的握力和抓背測驗卻是退步,握力減少1.26公斤,抓背測驗測退步了2.92公分;調整性別和教育程度後,健走組以兩分鐘踏步進步多於對照組,抓背測驗則是對照組明顯退步,其它項目未達統計差異。 結論:鼓勵慢性病老人從事健康生活,尤其養成每日健走習慣可趨緩老化對體適能的影響,期待本研究能鼓舞儲存老年健康、提供相關單位於老人健走健康計劃之參考。


Background: World Health Organization estimates that in 2025 the world's elderly population will exceed 1.2 billion. Age-related chronic illnesses are closely linked with physical inactivity and overeating. They can be controlled by increasing physical activities and caloric restriction. Some studies show that exercising frequently will increase the sense of well-being for the elderly and suggest them to take regular exercise step by step according to their physical condition. Aim: The purpose of this study is to explore the influence upon the physical fitness of the elderly with chronic disease in a community in central Taiwan with a twelve-week of regular brisk walking. Materials and Methods: The study is conducted by using quasi-experimental design and purposive sampling, a total of 66 elderly with chronic diseases were recruited for two physical fitness tests between September, 2013 and April, 2014. The elderly were divided into two groups, the experimental group of 34 people and the control group of 32 people. The intervention of the experimental group lasted for 12 weeks with regular brisk walking for 30 minutes at least five times per week or 150 minutes per week within 12 weeks, whereas the control group maintains their regular daily activities. Data collection from multiple variables was conducted using questionnaire and examination on functional fitness (grip , chair-stand test, two-min step test, back scratch test, 8-foot up-and-go test and chair sit-and-reach test). SPSS 19.0 for data analysis was carried out by frequency distribution, descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, paired-samples t test, and General Linear Model-Univariate. Result: The experimental group shows significant improvement in 2-min step test and chair sit-and reach test(p < .05). They have improved 16.61 steps in the 2-min step test and 1 cm in chair sit-and reach test. However, other physical fitness tests show no significant changes. The control group reveals deteriorated result in grip (less than 1.26kg) and back scratch test (distance of 2.92 cm). After adjusting the gender and education level, the experimental group has more improvement in 2-min step test. Back scratch test shows that the control group has been seriously deteriorating . Among other tests, there is no significant difference. Conclusion: The physical fitness of the elderly with chronic diseases and the effect of regular exercise and healthy life style are closely related. Brisk-walk, in particular, can lessen the impact of aging caused by physical deterioration on the elderly. We expect this study to encourage people to devote more time in improving their physical fitness at any stage of their life and hope that the government can include brisk walking in our regular health promotion program.


Wang, S.Y., Liu,L.H., & Roberson, D.N.(2012). Beneficial Effects of a Ten-Week Tai Chi Chuan Community Program in a Retirement Center, Journal of Healthy Life and Successful Aging, 4(1), 32 -47.
