  • 學位論文


Relationships between acculturative stress and depressive symptoms of immigrant women and native-born women in Changhua county

指導教授 : 楊浩然


研究背景:過去20年間,透過跨國婚姻移民所有來台的新移民婦女持續的增加,約有42萬新移民婦女移民到台灣。由於這些新移民婦女可能面臨各種不同的文化適應壓力,所以探討新移民婦女情緒狀態,尤其是憂鬱症狀與個別壓力的關係是一個相當重要的議題。 研究目的:比較彰化縣地區新移民婦女和本地婦女不同的文化適應壓力與憂鬱症狀分數,並檢視兩者彼此之間的關係。 研究方法:本研究招募了459位來自台灣中部彰化縣的新移民婦女(N=246)和本地婦女(N=213)。所有的受試者都由研究人員面訪或電訪詢問文化適應壓力以及流行病學研究中心憂鬱量表(Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale ,CES-D)評估婦女的憂鬱症狀。最後利用簡單線性迴歸和複迴歸分析婦女的文化適應壓力變項與憂鬱分數之相關。 研究結果:樣本主要來自五個國家(印尼、越南、菲律賓、泰國、中國大陸)。在控制其他文化適應壓力變項下,新移民婦女的憂鬱症狀與家人溝通是否困難(b=3.93, p=0.0001)、家庭型態折衷vs小家庭(b=-17.32, p=0.0001)家庭型態大家庭vs小家庭(b=-15.56, p=0.0004)和配偶是否有特定疾病或障礙(b=6.55, p=0.0004)有關;在本地婦女方面,以家中經濟收支情況(b=4.35, p=0.0049)、本人醫療保險(b=-2.36, p=0.04)和本人是否有特地疾病或障礙(b=6.46, p=0.02)與憂鬱分數有關。 結論:本研究顯示影響新移民婦女和本地婦女的憂鬱症狀分數有不同的文化適應壓力因子。政府在未來解決婦女的憂鬱症狀情況下,須利用不同的面向去幫助紓解她們身心靈的困擾。


Objectives: The number of women immigrating to Taiwan through transnational marriages has increased during the past two decades, with a total number of around 420 thousands of immigrant women married to Taiwan. These immigrant women suffered from a variety of acculturative stress which may cause depressive symptoms. However, few studies have explored whether specific dimensions of acculturative stress display influences on depressive symptoms. Methods: A total of 459 immigrant women and native-born women from Changhua County were recruited in this study. Depressive symptom scores for all participants were assessed by using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Effects of acculturative stresses on depressive symptom scores were examined by using simple and multiple linear regression analyses. Results: There were 246 immigrant women with five origin nationalities (Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, and mainland China) enrolled in this study. After controlling for potential confounders, three dimensions of acculturative stress variables were associated with depressive symptoms among immigrant women: communication with family members (b = 3.93, p = 0.0001), family type, and health problems for spouse (b = 6.55, p = 0.0004). As for native-born women, depressive symptoms were significantly associated with three other different variables in terms of income and expenditure (b = 4.35, p = 0.0049), number of health insurance (b = -2.36, p = 0.04), and health problems of themselves (b = 6.46, p = 0.02). Conclusions: The factors associated with depressive symptoms for the immigrant women and native-born women were obviously different. Practitioners such as social workers or clinicians should consider different ways to release women’s tense to improve their mental health.


immigrant women depressive symptoms acculturation


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