  • 學位論文


Study on the quality and utilization of the salted shell egg which immersed for a short period before equilibrated at a low temperature

指導教授 : 賴坤明


常溫短期鹽漬後低溫平衡之鹹蛋是透過短期鹽漬使鹹蛋整體保持在較低的鹽含量,再經低溫平衡食鹽逐漸使由鹽度高的蛋白往鹽度低的蛋黃移動。其特性是蛋白鹽度較低且蛋黃亦同時可具有傳統性質。本研究持續以此鹽漬程序,鹹蛋鹽漬並加上質地分析、顏色分析、感官品評等,進行更完整品質分析,找出最適的條件。並將其蛋白應用於麵條中,增加其運用性。 研究結果顯示,以鹽漬14天平衡21天之鹹蛋黃有最高出油率(59.48%),沙質比及固化率也為最佳,經色澤與質地分析後,其結果與傳統鹹蛋黃最為相似,並將平衡21天鹹蛋進行嗜好性品評,採7點評分量表,結果顯示其各項得分均為5以上,表示此鹹蛋是可被接受的。而蛋白鹽含量為4.26%低於傳統鹹蛋,能有更多應用。 低鹽鹹蛋白運用於麵條方面,使麵條最佳烹煮時間提高,烹煮產率微幅下降,烹煮損耗率微幅升高,並增加麵條黃色色澤。在質地分析上,適當增加麵條之硬度、彈性、咀嚼性及凝聚性。感官品評上,所有項目皆能被品評者所接受,且分數為最高的,顯示低鹽鹹蛋白應用於麵條是具有潛力的。


低溫平衡 鹹蛋 出油率 麵條


The salted shell egg made in the present study, which was immersed at room temperature for a short period and then equilibrated at low temperature, keeps the salted eggs at lower salt content, and the salt gradually shifts from egg white with high salinity to egg yolk with low salinity during the equilibrated period. Therefore, the egg yolk can have similar characteristics to that of traditional salted egg, and the salt content of egg white is also reduced. This study was continued to use this salting procedure, to analyze the texture, color, and sensory evaluations, etc. to conduct the complete quality analysis and determine the most suitable condition. The egg white was also added into noodles to evaluate its application. The result showed that the highest oil-off ratio of the salted egg yolk was 59.48%, discovered at the shell egg salted for 14 days then equilibrated for 21 days (14+21), and the sandy ratio and solidify ratio were also the most similar to the traditional salted egg. After analyzing the color and texture profile of the (14+21) salted egg yolk, its value is most similar to the traditional salted egg yolk. In the sensory evaluation , which using the 7‐points hedonic scale, the (14+21) salted egg scored more than 5, indicating that this salted egg is acceptable. The salt content of (14+21) salted egg white is 4.26%, lower than traditional salted eggs, may have more applications. The use of low-salt salted egg white for noodles improved optimum the cooking time for the noodles, slightly reduced cooking yield rate of noodles, slightly increased cooking loss rate of noodles, and increased in the yellow color of the noodles. In texture profile analysis, the hardness, springiness, chewiness, and cohesiveness of the noodles were appropriately increased. In the sensory evaluation, all items were accepted by consumers, and the score of noodle-LEW was the highest among the three groups of noodles, indicating the low-salt salted egg white has potential for application to noodles.


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