  • 學位論文


A Study on CLSM Using Geopolymer

指導教授 : 吳傳威


在地下管溝或結構物開挖後的回填施工實務上,控制性低強度材料(CLSM)解決了回填料夯實不足,造成路面或回填區沉陷的問題。目前使用的CLSM主要是以卜特蘭I型水泥作為黏结材料。卜特蘭水泥雖是ㄧ種普遍使用且發展成熟的材料,但一方面其製程並不環保,另一方面則因其水化反應不斷進行,導致回填材料難以真正控制在低強度,造成日後再度開挖的困難,並不符合使用CLSM之原始目的。 本研究嘗試採用近年國內外新開發之一種無機聚合物材料(Geopolymer)來代替水泥,作為CLSM的黏结材,與粗細骨材一起拌合。在維持高流動性(坍度)的前提下,製作CLSM圓柱試體。選擇28天與12小時龄期平均抗壓強度比值較低的配比,試驗驗證其坍度、長度變化率、初凝時間等物理性能。本實驗結果初步顯示,無機聚合物材料以適當配比拌合,確實可達到CLSM在早強、低強度、與低體積變化率上之需求。


For the construction practice of backfill after excavation of underground ducts or structures, the controlled low strength material (CLSM) has solved the problems of settlement of road surface or backfilled area due to insufficient compaction. At present, CLSM generally uses Portland type I cement as the bond material. Cement is a widely used but is not quite an environment protection material, and on the other hand, its continuous hydrated reaction property would cause not easy to control its final strength. It may thus increase the difficulty of future excavation, and then is not coincide with the original purpose of CLSM. In the present study, a newly developed material, namely Geopolymer, is used to replace Portland cement in the CLSM, and mixed with coarse and fine aggregates. The test cylinders were made with high workability. The formula gived the lower average values of compression strength for 28 days and 12 hours was chosen to testify its slump, rate of length change, as well as time of setting. The preliminary result shown that Geopolymer with appropriate formula would fulfill the requirements of CLSM for early setting, low strength, and low rate of volume.


Geopolymer Bonded Material CLSM


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