  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Land Use Zoning, Building Laws and Shelter Space for Long-term Care Facilities

指導教授 : 施邦築


本研究旨在針對老人福利機構之長期照顧機構面臨火災及水災時,從都市防災與建築防災的基礎上,進行土地使用分區、建築法令之探討,以及機構內之住民在有限的人力協助避難下,對於避難空間、設施與設備之需求。 臺灣已經邁入高齡化社會,由於老人之健康狀況與行動能力有別於一般人,因此老人照顧及居住空間的安全為目前國家社會所重視的課題。火災一直為建築物主要的防護對象,尤其長期照顧機構對於火災防護更為重視,又近年來因氣候變遷所引起的極端降雨事件,造成許多長期照顧機構遭受水患的侵襲,對於大多數無法自力避難之住民而言,避難撤離需要人力協助及足夠的時間為之,常引發避難不及之狀況。因此,對於機構內部空間與外在環境的基地自救能力實有必要建立安全的空間應變對策,以協助機構住民迅速避難撤離,避免受困於不良環境的窘態。 本研究蒐集分析國內外長期照顧機構之火災、水災案例與文獻回顧,探討國內外法令,包含土地使用分區、建築與消防安全等法令分析與比較,以及機構的現場調查與訪談,針對長期照顧機構提出火災、水災避難空間之需求與分析,希冀能提升長期照顧機構在空間上的應變能力。


This research aims to propose requirement of shelter space and equipment for welfare institutions to provide the long-term elderly care facilities fire and floods under the limited manpower and the refuge withdrawal, and analyze land use zoning, building laws. Currently, Taiwan had already become an aging society. The health status and action ability of the elderly are different from normal people. Therefore, the problems of elderly care and living space are important regarding to security valued in the community. Fire protection always is one of main considerations in the building management. Furthermore, long-term elderly care facilities should pay more attention to fire protection than others. Recently, extreme rainfall events due to climate changed caused results many long-term elderly care facilities suffer flooding invasion. However, most elderly care residents need human assistance and sufficient time to get away. Therefore, the space and external environment functional and operational capability are necessary to develop complete response mechanisms and measures for preventing the elderly suffer. This research analyzes literature review and case studies regarding to long-term elderly care facilities. Furthermore, the research explores the domestic and international laws, including fire safety analysis and comparison, land use zoning, and building laws based on investigation and interviews. Finally, the research proposes the conclusions and suggestions for long-term elderly care facilities to enhance the spatial emergency evacuation capability in fire and floods shelter space.


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