  • 學位論文


Intelligent Control for Ballbot Design

指導教授 : 蕭俊祥


本文主要針對欠致動系統提出二種智慧型控制策略,以評估其控制可行性。首先使用分層滑動模式控制(hierarchical sliding-mode control)方法控制二階欠致動系統的球型機器人。接著提出模糊控制器來修正分層滑模控制的參數,其主要藉由滑模函數當作輸入,進而即時地調節子系統滑模面的斜率和趨近律,而達到提高系統的動態性能。目前藉由電腦模擬來驗證控制器的可行性,且利用互補濾波器完成控制系統姿態估測。


This thesis main topic is under-actuated system, proposing two intelligent control methods and evaluating all these control feasibilities. First of all, hierarchical sliding-mode control method is used to control the second order of under-actuated system ballbot. Then, fuzzy controller is used to adjust hierarchical sliding-mode control parameters, using sliding surface as input, and immediately adjusting sliding surface subsystem's slope and reaching law, also improving dynamic system performance.Right now computer simulation is used to verify the feasibility of controller.


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