  • 學位論文


Research on Landscape Image Analysis of Design for Indoor Vertical Greening

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


高密度發展都市正面臨嚴峻的熱島效應,受破壞的生態循環體系可藉由立體綠化有效增加綠化面積,減緩環境消耗與修復彌補生態,營造舒適環境品質與良好景觀,使垂直綠化日形重要且為未來趨勢。綜合前述可知,壁面垂直綠化造形是室內景觀意象重要因素,也是影響觀賞者對室內景觀環境的使用行為與知覺感受,但過往研究多從建置技術與植物效益之面向討論,故本研究以景觀意象偏好的角度切入,由「形態」觀點探討觀賞者對室內壁面垂直綠化造形之喜好感受。 藉由造形、環境知覺與室內壁面垂直綠化等相關理論與文獻回顧,獲得觀賞者對環境中形態構成感受與目前臺灣室內壁面垂直綠化案例之觀察;以及第一階段調查問卷中文獻彙整出七項造形形式原理、三項基本形與篩選的七項代表形態;第二階段調查問卷在觀看七項代表形態與語意差異法相關文獻資料後,共同篩選合適本研究的十項情緒形容詞量尺;第三階段調查問卷由七項代表形態與十項情緒形容詞量尺,以語意差異法對室內壁面垂直綠化形態設計進行偏好程度檢測。 回收調查問卷的結果以Excel次數分配分析與Windows SPSS 18的One-Way ANOVA綜合歸結,研究結果顯示偏好的形態構成以「反覆」、「比例」、「漸層」之特徵為較受偏好,且在「性別」與「背景屬性」之受測者對形態有顯著的形態偏好抉擇差異。故本研究建議在室內壁面垂直綠化的建置除考量形態知覺、構成與設計等面項外,應對觀賞者族群背景、環境屬性與空間氛圍等面項納入建置的考量,以研擬合適觀賞者偏好之形態呈現方式,為觀賞者帶來良好視覺體驗感受。


Densely populated cities are faced with serious heat island effect. When seeking solution to the challenges, vertical greening comes up to be a feasible approach to restore the destructed ecological cycle system, create urban green spaces, ameliorate the consumption of environment and attribute to a quality environment and landscape. Comparing to past researches mainly focusing on aspects such as building techniques and plant effectiveness, this research will adopt a perspective of landscape image preference to study the viewers’ attitude towards the landscape, and their visual and psychological feelings, as well as conduct a preference cognitive test on them marked by “morphology”. After reviewing literature and theory on form, environmental perception, indoor vertical greening, this study focuses on viewers’ sensation of morphological structure and case study of indoor vertical greening in Taiwan. In the first survey and literature review, it synthesizes seven forms of aesthetic principles and three basic forms, and then seven representative morphologies are screened out. The second survey screens out ten scales through semantic differential. The third survey conveys the preference of indoor vertical greening through semantic differential. This survey is doing statistical analysis with Excel, Windows SPSS 18 and One-Way ANOVA. The result shows that female and male are affected by original background and have different description of sensitivity in morphological perception. For indoor vertical greening, the result suggests that it should not only take perception, structure and design of morphology into consideration, but also viewer’s ethnic background, environmental property and atmosphere space. Then, it could plan and design the better greening which morphology displays viewers’ preference and brings them wonderful sensation of visual.


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