  • 學位論文


Synthesis and Characterization of Water Soluble polymers

指導教授 : 段葉芳


本研究在於以1,3-propane sultone為主體作為水溶性高分子親水基,分別與2-(Dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate、Methacrylamide、4-Vinylpyridine及Acrylic acid等化合物進行開環磺化反應,合成含有磺酸基親水作用之水溶性單體,接著以自由基起始劑 (2,2-azobisisobutyronitrile , AIBN)、及穩定自由基(2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinooxy ,TEMPO),進行活性自由基聚合反應,獲得具有親水-疏水功能之水溶性高分子。在結構方面利用FT-IR、NMR進行鑑定,再以TGA、DSC作熱性質分析,以表面張力計、接觸角及粒徑分析等儀器,來探討此具有界面活性劑效能之水溶性高分子的界面型態及性質。 由結果可知,以活性自由基聚合反應所得的高分子除了原本的親水性外,其PDI 值可控制於1.5的窄分子量分布以下,平均粒徑也比單體減小許多,同時也有一定程度的降低表面張力效果及其適合作為高分子凝集劑,在水溶性界面活性劑研究尚可增添不少應用性。


This research is based on 1,3-propane sultone as the main body of the water-soluble polymer’s hydrophilic group, which proceeds the open-ring sulfonation reaction with 2- (Dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate, Methacrylamide, 4-Vinylpridine and Acrylic acid to become the chemical compound that contains water solubility of the sulfonate hydrophilic group. Then begins the living free-radical polymerization with(2,2,6,6- tetramethylpipperidinooxy, TEMPO) /(2,2-azobisisobutyronitril, AIBN), then obtains the water-soluble polymers which has hydrophilic –hydrophobic. To ensure its structure , use FT-IR, NMR to determinate and analyze it with TGA, DSC in thermal property analysis. By using of the instrument like SEM, UV, the Surface tensiometer, contact angle and particle size analysis, to discusses the water-soluble polymer’s surface formation and characteristics. As result of the water-soluble polymers made by living free-radical polymerization besides the original water affinity, its PDI value may control below 1.5, the average diameter is smaller than the monomer many, which increases its application in surface chemistry industry.


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