  • 學位論文


A novel approach for pattern-similarity clustering and its application in industry

指導教授 : 吳建文


以樣型為基礎的分群方法(pattern-based clustering)在近幾年來都已廣泛地被研究,主要是針對樣型間的相似性來作為分群標準。其對於一些應用領域是相當重要的。例如:DNA微陣列(DNA microarray)、電子商務(E-commerce)的應用…等等。 其中一種pattern-based clustering模型稱為pCluster,而本篇論文將提出一個新的pCluster求解演算法,是利用資料探勘(Data Mining)領域中尋找高頻項目集(frequent itemset)的概念來融入此演算法中,使我們能順利找出pCluster。


Pattern-based clustering has been studied intensively in recent years. This kind of clustering model focuses on the similarity between patterns. Such clusters are important for some applications, e.g. DNA microarray and E-commerce. An example of pattern-based clustering models is called pCluster. In this study we propose a new approach to find the pCluster. Our approach utilizes the Apriori algorithm, which is a well known algorithm in the data mining field. We can find every pCluster by using our approach.


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