  • 學位論文


A Study of Rockfall Disasters Prevention with Expendable Poly-styrene in Rock Shed

指導教授 : 林利國


台灣山地丘陵面積佔全島的三分之二,加上台灣地處菲律賓與歐亞大陸板塊的交界,地震頻繁。此外,台灣年平均降雨量約為世界年平均降雨量之2.6倍,但降雨量分布不均,約80%集中於5至10月之豐水期,故每逢地震事件或颱風豪雨季節,經常導致山區落石災害。 台灣既有明隧道工程主要以樑柱系統來抵抗外力,輔以消能材料來降低落石墜落之衝擊荷重。然目前明隧道施工設計規範尚未明確,且於頂版傾斜、衝擊消能度不足及山區道路施工面積受限情況下,每當落石群墜落導致明隧道頂部衝擊力或靜載重過大時,往往造成頂版、樑柱結構或基礎系統之損壞,嚴重影響山區重要聯外道路之搶通時效。 發泡級聚苯乙烯(Expandable Poly-Styrene簡稱為EPS)其係利用提煉至石油中之液態單體苯乙烯,經重合成為固態聚苯乙烯,在掺入發泡劑後製成型塊。EPS在經由發泡、融合等生產過程後製成塊狀形體產品,此材料具有重量輕、緩衝性優、耐水性佳、自立性良好、隔熱性優良及施工簡易迅速等特性。歐美國家常用為土木工程中砂土回填之替代材料,故多稱其為地工泡棉(Geofoam)。 本研究藉由落球撞擊緩衝試驗探討EPS於落石防護應用之可行性;研究中採用台灣本地EPS製造商生產之20K值EPS試體,透過落球試驗儀測試3種不同大小之鋼球,於3種不同落距下,對EPS試體造成衝擊之後,由試驗儀下方放置之特製衝擊力量測儀,量測出經EPS緩衝後之衝擊力大小,並將試驗數據進行回歸分析,得出落石經EPS緩衝後剩餘衝擊力回歸方程式,可做為日後台灣明隧道施工設計規範之參考。


Hilly area of the entire island of Taiwan for two-thirds, with Taiwan is located in the Philippines, Europe and Asia at the junction of continental plates, earthquakes frequently. In addition, the average annual rainfall in Taiwan is about the world 2.6 times the average annual rainfall, but uneven distribution of rainfall, about 80% concentrated in the wet season from May to October period, so during heavy rain or typhoon season seismic events, often mountain rockfall caused disasters. Taiwan's existing tunnel next to the main resisting force of the beam system, supplemented by energy dissipation materials to reduce the impact of falling rock in falling load. However, the current design of tunnel construction has not specified clearly, and on the top version of tilt is less than the impact energy dissipation and the mountainous area of road construction under limited circumstances, when falling rock group led out the tunnel roof fall impact or static load is too large, often caused the top version, the beam structure or the underlying system damage, serious impact on the important mountain roads reopened to the outside time. Expandable Poly-Styrene extracted from the system using the liquid oil in the styrene monomer, the coincidence of a solid polystyrene foam made of the mixed-type block. EPS foam in by the fusion block made of the production process such as physical products, this material is light weight, excellent cushioning, water resistance, self-reliance is good, excellent insulation and construction of simple rapid and other characteristics. Civil Engineering in Europe and the United States used to backfill the sand replacement material, it is called to Geofoam. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the EPS material applications in the next tunnel design advantages and disadvantages, and explore the EPS material subjected to various size and weight of the falling ball drop height with a variety of cases subjected to test the impact of the buffer material behavior, and thus confirm the EPS. Materials used in rockfall collision with the buffer requirements and other engineering application mode, supported by actual cases out of the tunnel EPS application, apply the EPS of the experimental data, to analyze how to achieve the best results EPS to work as domestic a reference design, hoping to promote the application of EPS in Taiwan.


Geofoam EPS Absorption Resistance Rock-fall Ball-drop Test


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