  • 學位論文


The Study of Key Success Factors for IPTV Operation

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


IPTV 是以網路型態提供電視服務的一套系統,融合媒體、通訊與廣告等數位內容與互動服務成為新商業模式,因此國內外研究機構對此新興產業發展皆抱持樂觀成長看待;此產業不只影響傳統電視服務/節目/內容,也產生新產業價值鏈結構,對電信業者、有線電視業者與消費者產生相當大的影響。 本研究整理出實際IPTV產業發展未若研究機構所樂觀預測成長,其原因如下:(一)有線電視系統在台灣提供 TV 服務多年,影響台灣傳播電視產業成為高度集中市場,可操控隱形的聯合行為;IPTV 營運業者為電視傳播產業中的新進業者,要面對有線電視服務業者的強烈競爭與反擊,有線電視業者利用完整的產業價值鏈結構製造不公平的競爭手段,使IPTV業者無法取得吸引人的節目內容。(二)機上盒操作方式較傳統遙控器困難複雜,將造成消費者使用不便。(三)節目內容費用比與有線電視並不突出,不容易吸引用戶轉換到IPTV。 本研究採用模糊層級分析法(FAHP)找出IPTV 營運的關鍵成功因素(KSF),建構出AHP層級架構為2大主要構面共13項評估準則;研究結果顯示在主要構面中,以「滿足有線電視與Internet的消費者需求缺口」權重值較高,而綜合評估準則以「創新與開發新服務/節目/內容」權重值較高,因此『創新與開發新服務/節目/內容』是「IPTV營運的關鍵成功因素」。


IPTV is a set pattern of network system to provide television services. Integration with media、communications、advertising、digital content and interactive services into a new business model. Therefore research institutions at home and abroad forecast optimistic growth for IPTV industry. IPTV not only affects traditional television services/programs /content, also generate a new value chain structure.It will exert considerable influence on Telecom operator CATV and end customer. This thesis shows that IPTV market is not optimistic growth as research institutions forecast, as the following reasons:(1)CATV operators provide TV service for many years in Taiwan.CATV operators hold highly market share,they will guide invisible joint retarder.IPTV operators are young entrants in TV service,they face strongly competition and recoil from CATV operators.CATV operators make unfair competition use of integral industry value chain,it causes IPTV operators can not gain attractive content.(2)Settop box is more complex and difficult operating than remote control,it will take a dislike to customer.(3)IPTV content charge ratio is not good than CATV,It can not attract customer to change TV service provider. This thesis use Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to find the Key Success Factors (KSF) for IPTV operator. It build 2 main factors in the 2nd layer and 13 factors in 3rd layer of the Hierarchy. Base on the analysis result, “Meet the shortage of CATV and Internet service” receives the highest weight in the 2nd layer. Factor “Innovative content and service” is the topmost one in the 3rd layer; therefore, “Innovative content and service” is the KSF of IPTV operation.


IPTV KSF Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process


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