  • 學位論文


A Study on Flow Balance in Two-Cavity Mold of Sphygmomanometer

指導教授 : 韓麗龍


本研究在探討一模兩穴相異塑膠成品(血壓計上蓋與外殼)之流動平衡,利用Moldex3D_CAE軟體對熔膠的充填過程進行分析。先用田口方法中的L8直交表作干擾實驗,找出影響流動平衡的重要干擾因子分別為融膠溫度、射出壓力、澆口直徑,並將此三個因子複合為單一的干擾因子N (水準N1傾向使平衡度變差、N2使平衡度變好)。其次用L18直交表進行主實驗,以流動波前作為比較此二模穴的流動平衡狀況。實驗結果顯示,影響流動平衡的重要因子分別為流道直徑、澆口直徑、射出壓力、熔膠溫度,並最大化S/N比找出的最佳的製程參數組合。最後以變異數分析(ANOVA)進行重要因子測試及誤差統合,得到的重要因子與田口方法的結果相吻合。並以S/N比的信賴區間判定預測值與實驗值是否夠接近,在製程改善前,實驗值與預測值的S/N比相差1.07 dB;而製程改善後,實驗值與預測值的S/N比相差0.2 dB,皆小於信賴區間的2.81 dB。在95%信心水準之下,實驗模式是足夠精確的。


This paper investigates the flow balance of two-cavity mold plastic product (sphygmomanometer cover and housing) using Moldex3D_CAE software to analyze the filling process of the melt. At first, Taguchi method L8 orthogonal array was used for noise experiment to find the significant factors influence the flow balance, including melt temperature, injection pressure, and gate diameter. These three factors compound to a noise factor N (bad flow balance at level N1, and good at N2). Secondly, L18 orthogonal array was employed in main experiment to compare the melt front of the two cavities. Results show the significant factors are runner diameter, gate diameter, injection pressure, and melt temperature, respectively. Maximizing S/N ratio is to find the combination of optimum process parameters. Finally, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for the significance tests and pooling of errors. The significant factors obtained in Taguchi method does agree with by ANOVA. The S/N ratio difference between experimental and predict value is 1.07 dB before improving process, and 0.2 dB after improving process. These two values are smaller than 2.81 dB of confidence intervals. Empirical model is enough accurate under the confidence level of 95%.


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