  • 學位論文


The Study of Management Mechanisms for Supervising Quality in Public Construction

指導教授 : 王隆昌


公共工程為國家建設的基石,經濟發展的根本,近年來重大工程建設如台北捷運系統、北宜高速公路、高速鐵路等相繼完工通車,雖然炒熱了工程品質的話題,但也證明了工程品質受到社會大眾強烈的重視與關切。「監造」是工程施工階段的監督者,由於工程不如一般製造業有著穩定的生產品質,換言之,工程是禁不起重置的代價,在不穩定的製程中,透過監造管理機制來彌補不良產品風險,況且採購制度對惡性競爭、低價搶標的工程惡習杜絕不易,更難期待施工品質受到施工廠商的保障,依賴監造手段來確保工程品質、提升施工品質更加殷切。公共工程施工品質管理制度定位第二級監造品質保證系統,乃冀望以強勢的契約手段來監督施工品質。刑法第193條違背建築術成規罪、政府採購法第63條監造不實責任及第88條監造人員不法利益勾結等,都是揭櫫監造未善盡職責之法定責任氛圍。然而工程監造制度的多元化,「自辦監造」、「委託監造」、「專案管理含監造」、「統包工程監造」及「設計監造分合」等等,其不同的管理方式,究竟有何品質差異及優劣程度,即是本研究亟想揭開的謎團。 為了解監造品質存在的問題,本研究透過文獻整理、專家訪談及公共工程經常發生的監造缺失問題,透過問卷調查及統計分析的調查統計法(Statistics and Survey Research, SSR),將問卷調查的結果與施工查核結果進行實證分析,以尋找出監造品質不佳的真正原因,再探討改善監造品質的方法,研擬合理可行的改善策略。藉由研究的成果將有助於政府機關及監造單位注入品管觀念與機制的建立,希冀打開囤積已久的監造迷失,迎向更公開、更透明的工程採購品質(Procurement Quality),以及捍衛公共建設品質的安全信心。


Public constructions are the foundation of national construction and economy. Recently, the completion of significant infrastructures, such as Taipei MRT System, National Highway No. 5, Taiwan High Speed Railway, etc, draws people’s attention to the construction quality. Construction supervision represents the supervisor during construction period. Unlike general manufacturing industry, the production quality of public construction is not stable. The procurement policy cannot eliminate abominable measures, such as cut-throat competition and bidders reduce prices below their lowest acceptable bid price in order to avoid losing the bid. Thus, it is necessary to supplement the engineering and construction quality with construction supervision. In order to control the construction quality, some measures are adopted. In quality guarantee systems for supervision, construction supervision is carried out per superior contract to enhance the construction quality. Besides, in Penal Code and Government Procurement Act, the legal responsibilities of supervision are clearly defined. In this study, the different engineering supervision types, such as Supervisory by owners, Supervisory by others, Project management include supervisory, Turnkey work and Designs and supervisions will be discussed first. Then, in order to identify the causes of poor supervision quality, this study will a) compile bibliography, expert interviews, and problems in construction supervision, b) analyze the research data by Statistics and Survey Research, SSR, and c) conduct an empirical analysis on the results of SSR and construction inspection. After the causes are indicated, this study will discuss the measures and study practical strategies for improving supervision quality. It is believed that this research will be useful for governmental agencies and supervising units to establish a quality control concept and system and open and transparent procurement quality.


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